B-School / Consulting Clubs

GMAT: A Strategic Guide to Effective Preparation

The GMAT is a necessary hurdle that individuals who aspire to pursue an MBA or a graduate degree in finance need to overcome in order to gain admission to a top school. The GMAT assesses a wide range of skills, from analytical writing to quantitative and verbal reasoning. Success on the GMAT requires a well-thought-out […]

Skills, Tips, and Tactics

Managing Meetings: How to Drive Productivity and Success

Meetings can either be a powerful catalyst for collaboration and decision-making or a drain on time and productivity. Whether you are in consulting, strategy, operations, or product management, the ability to manage meetings effectively is a crucial skill that can significantly impact the success of your endeavors. In this short article, we will explore strategies […]

Consulting Industry

5 Strategies for Success in Product Management

In the competitive, fast-paced, and ever-evolving landscape of technology and business, the role of a product manager is pivotal. A great product manager is not just a project coordinator, they are visionaries, strategists, and leaders. In this short article, we will delve into five key strategies that can help you become a great product manager. […]

B-School / Consulting Clubs

How to Win Your Consulting Case Competition

Are you signed up for a case competition, ready to showcase your skills and get a quick resume-building experience? Maybe you’ve been a part of a team that for some reason failed to even make the first cut because of inexperience or a lack of cohesion. Or maybe this is your first exposure to case […]

AI / Big Data

5 Ways AI is Changing the Consulting Landscape

Within the competitive world of consulting, staying ahead of the curve is vital. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a transformative force that is reshaping the way consultants deliver insights and value to clients. Some examples of AI automation tools include ChatGPT, Google Bard, and Fireflies. AI-powered tools can enable management consultants to analyse vast data sets, […]