
Case Interview Guides & Books

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9 replies on “Case Interview Guides & Books”

Hi Just wondering,

would these case interviews be relevant to entry level candidates as well?


Hi Ash,

Yes, these case interviews are definitely relevant to entry level candidates. If they appear tough, it just means you have your work cut out for you.

Best of luck,

Hey. Thank you so much Tom. Really appreciate your work, this would be of great help.

Also, can you please help as to where can I get free ebooks of the books suggested by you?


Hi Anirudh,

I’m glad you think this post will prove useful.

I can’t help you with free ebooks, as I’m sure you’re aware, that would be piracy. But, if you are serious about consulting it might be a good idea to lay out some money. Think of it as an investment!

Although I haven’t read it myself, the third book in the list, by Tim Darling, is supposed to be a valuable read.

If you are looking for good quality free consulting advice, the best advice I can give you is to keep reading my blog.

All the best,

Hi Tom,

Great website – clear layout, heaps of useful information, good research!

Could you please provide more information about yourself? What profession you currently work in (I assume consulting given this is a consulting blog)? Your interests, star sign, etc.? You know the standard kind of stuff.


Your Secret Admirer

Hi there,

Thanks for the gratuitous flattery. I’m glad that you have found this blog useful so far. I’m always glad to hear that I’m being of some use to somebody, it’s just the motivation I need to keep reading and writing.

As for wanting more information about me, you should check out the “About” section. I thought hard about what information I should include there, so I am sorry if it doesn’t provide you with everything that you would like to know.

Thanks again for the strong words of support.



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