
Do you have an app?

Creating an app is not that hard, for a 12 year old

DO YOU have an app?  Well, do you?  … Many leading companies have already jumped on the app-store bandwagon (e.g. New York Times, Twitter and Facebook) but most businesses can still confidently answer this question in the negative: “no apps here.”

Given that the Mac App Store was only launched in January of this year, the lack of an app is perhaps understandable.  However, with 12 year olds now building apps in school yards, there is no longer an excuse to ignore the app-reality. The future is upon us, and you need to get moving.

Here are five ways that you, your business or your client’s business might benefit from creating an app:

  1. Pay per download – some apps cost money, so you might decide to charge users a fee to download your app.  Each download means money in your pocket. This is a particularly attractive model for indie rock artists who don’t have access to established record labels;
  2. Ad revenue – apps can act as an “advertising vehicle” where mobile marketers can place advertisments.  They can also be used to drive traffic to your website, where you can generate further ad revenue. The more popular your app becomes, the more you stand to make from advertising;
  3. Lead generation – apps can attract new business.  If you have an online store, or sell pretty much any kind of good or service, then a popular app can help you generate new leads. For example, if you own a restaurant, your app could allow customers to make online reservations;
  4. Promotion – apps can generate attention. Even if your app does not directly make you any money, a popular app could help you generate the attention you need to build your brand online. A stronger brand can help you raise prices without losing market share and attract more customers;
  5. Networking – creating an app demonstrates your area of interest, and allows you to reach out to other people who share that interest.  It also allows customers, employees and potential collaborators to connect with you more easily.

Apps are already a daily reality for our tech-savy youth. At the same time, apps represent an exciting and relatively new opportunity for businesses to build new revenue streams, promote their products and reach out to interested members of the online community.

Do you have an app?

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