
Dick Smith: The Power of Viral Marketing

Happy Australia Day to Dick Smith, a true blue Aussie legend

TODAY is Australia Day, a day to spend time with the family, stand around the barbecue, and go for a swim at the local pool or nearest beach.

However, while most Australian’s are doing what Australian’s do best, one Aussie veteran is promoting a new range of Australian owned products to support Australian farmers, and is donating 100% of the profits to charity.

Dick Smith’s cheeky sense of humour is unashamedly pro-Australian, and the ad campaign has already gone viral on Youtube!

But hold on a second, you might be thinking, this ad is nothing more than a cheap gimmick.  Well, putting that thought to one side, you need to remember that Dick Smith is 68 years old.  Through this Australia Day marketing campaign, he is using viral marketing (i.e. word of mouth and the power of the internet) more effectively than most entrepreneurs half his age.

Food for thought?

How are you using word of mouth to promote your brand?

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