Or just getting paid?
IF you continue with your current line of work, will you be more capable, better known and have a stronger network in 12 months time?
Or will you just be one year older, one pay grade higher, and one step closer to that “promised” promotion? Financially richer, yet one year poorer at the same time.
When your author was an undergraduate student people used to joke about corporate jobs and “selling out”. It wasn’t entirely clear what that meant at the time or what was so bad about earning a wonderfully high salary. After all, isn’t that why people work? To become wealthy?
The problem is an insidious one, and easy to miss if you’re busy, or ambitious, or afraid.
The situation at work, in your industry and in the broader economy may change. In fact, it is constantly changing, evolving and improving.
But are you?
Constant personal and professional growth should be the norm, but all too often it becomes the exception.
How does this happen?
Well, take a bright eyed graduate fresh out of university, for her securing a job at a reputable firm is a great opportunity. The firm offers training, a nice salary, opportunities to network, and there is a lot to learn. So far so good.
In the second year, she is loving the corporate life. Her salary has never been higher and her expenses are low, there is still a lot of training, she is getting a good handle on her role, and she now knows lots of people at work which is fun. Life couldn’t be better.
In year three, our bright eyed graduate has now become a battle hardened grunt, she is in the thick of it. She knows her role and is incredibly busy with work. There is no time to attend training sessions, and besides these are mostly for the junior staff. Her pay is high but not nearly high enough to cover her mortgage and car payments and she hopes for a raise at the next salary review. She has no time to meet new people and barely time to see the ones she already knows.
A slippery slope.
Nobody plans on becoming a sell out, and it doesn’t happen overnight. But if you’re not expanding your capabilities, reputation and network, then it may be time for a change.
A new project, a new opportunity, or a new way to solve a problem for people who care.
Are you building an asset, or just getting paid?
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