Career Advice

Gaining Consulting Contacts

Building Contacts

(Source: Flickr)

AS an aspiring consultant, the purpose of networking is to gain industry contacts, learn about your target firms, and obtain names that you can use in your application cover letter (e.g. “I am applying to Bain following my discussion with your Associate John Citizen at the recent New York University careers fair.”).

There are various ways to gain contacts prior to sending out your consulting applications.

Here are three:

  1. On campus recruitment events and careers fairs are the easiest way to meet consultants and HR people;
  2. Reaching out to family friends and classmates who are current or former employees at your target firm is another good approach;
  3. If you are at non-target school and don’t have any relevant contacts, then cold calling the recruiter and asking to talk with her is a suitable fall back option. You can talk to her over the phone or, if possible, arrange a time to meet for coffee.

[For more information on consulting interviews, please download “The HUB’s Guide to Consulting Interviews“.]

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