
How You Can Use Signage To Brand Your Business


Business owners know that they can’t attract customers if those customers don’t know that they exist. That is why they rent buildings in high traffic areas and pay large sums to place ads where people are likely to see them.

There are many ways that companies can get the word out, and with all the hype around online and social media marketing it would be easy for companies to overlook how important proper signage can be to the success of a company’s marketing strategy.

Let’s look at the link between branding and signage and list some reasons why clever signage can be an effective way to advertise your business.

Signage Can Be Simple, Affordable and Memorable

Even if someone doesn’t know what your company sells or what service it provides, he or she will recognize your brand if your signage is memorable enough. In many cases, people who see an attractive sign will want to learn more about the business behind it and what it does. Social media users may be willing to share your sign just because it looks cool and they want as many people to see it as possible. Ultimately, you are going to increase awareness for your brand, which will help to increase sales and revenue for your company.

Signage Can Be Simple, Affordable and Memorable

Signs Can Be Placed Anywhere

The best part about a sign is that you can put it almost anywhere. You could put a sign in your car window, on local bulletin boards or on a fence outside your property. If you want to reach a wider audience, you could even consider putting a sign on a public building or another area that is open to the public and which receives a large volume of foot traffic. For instance, you could put a sign on a light pole at a busy intersection.

Signs Can Be Placed Anywhere

Attract Customers From Miles Around

A brightly colored sign that is placed several hundred feet in the air can attract customers from miles around. To make it even more attractive, you could use neon lights or have it light up at night or at times that it may be harder to see. Depending on where the sign is located, you could include on it the closest highway exit to your location and the company’s web address and phone number. Doing this can allow potential customers to find your store, connect with you online or contact you by phone.

Attract Customers From Miles Around

Fence Signage Could Be Part of Your Marketing Plan

Large farms or public parks may have advertising space available on fences that surround the property or gated fences that people have to walk through to gain entry. The sign doesn’t need to be anything fancy, and a handmade sign can often be just as effective as a fence sign crafted by SiteSmart or something created using design software. If you are a startup founder looking to connect with your target audience, a handmade sign might also be seen as more authentic and fun.

Taking the time to create an effective sign can increase brand awareness, which can ultimately boost sales volume and revenues. The best part about signage is that you can be as creative as you want to be, and anyone in your company can help with the project. Signage can be an effective way to promote your business, and it is worth keeping this in mind when developing your branding and marketing strategy.

Sarah is a small business owner, and is currently learning about marketing, using the internet. Aside from working on her own business, she likes to use social media, and read travel books. Follow Sarah on Twitter.

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