Not enough, or more than you need.
It’s generally one, or the other.
Are you working for the money, with grand plans for what you will do when you one day finally have “enough”?
Or are you just happy to be here, every day, because you can’t believe they are paying you to do what you’d happily do for free?
Are you waiting until you have the money you think you need, before you start living the life you want?
Or, do you look each day for new ways to increase the impact you can have with the resources you already have available to you?
Do you believe that the only way for you to win is if other people lose?
Or, do you view life as a chance to collaborate, and strangers just as friends who you haven’t yet had the chance to meet?
In some sense, wealth is a mindset.
And since a mindset is something which is free for each of us to adopt, then why not choose the way of thinking which ensures that you will always have more than you need. The approach which says “I love what I do!”, “I love finding new ways to contribute!” and “tomorrow is a new chance to do it all again!”.
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