
5 Classic Marketing Mediums That Still Work in 2017

Life has changed drastically over the last several years, yet human beings have stayed inherently the same as they were thousands of years ago. The same things stimulate and excite our brain as they did when we were cavemen.

In a time where we have 24/7 news websites and free information literally at our fingertips, why do a lot of people still go out and buy magazines and newspapers? When every company’s information can be Googled and thoroughly researched online, why do we often peruse brochures, hold onto cards or attach flyers to our fridge?

We do this because, just as we always have, we bond and respond to physical stimuli.

1. Branded Products

The easiest way to to place your brand directly into people’s hands is through promotional items. There are an infinite number of product choices and designs you can use to advertise your company, so think carefully about the demographic of your customers and what items they are most likely to appreciate and utilise for many years.

There are quality products such as mouse pads, usb sticks, mugs and many more that are not only practical but double as great advertising. There are products you can use around your own and your clients offices, products suitable for tradesmen, chefs and more. Whoever your target clients are, there’s a product you can brand to suit them.

2. Competitions

Nothing rounds up enthusiasm like a good competition.

Asking people to share your company website for example, or to refer a friend, are great ways to drum up more business whilst creating positive hype for your brand. If you think carefully about the marketing of your competitions and incorporate a sales pitch for the product you’re presenting, you’ll not only draw in new customers, you’ll create a desire for the product or service you’re offering.

3. Direct mail

Traditional forms of advertising like business cards, banners, stickers and brochures are the staples of advertising. They can be as informative as you like and targeted directly into your client’s hands. People are more likely to peruse information that is presented to them on paper so it’s still a valuable marketing tool.

Direct mail has proven easier to mentally process, and companies test better for brand recall when handed a paper copy as opposed to online. The reader has a hard copy they can keep, share, and browse over and over again.

4. Sales

Using marketing techniques such as sales, rewards programs, discounts for bulk orders and coupons will not only draw in more clients immediately, they are a great way to create lasting impressions and form business relationships. Creating a sense of urgency is a common marketing tool to draw in attention, because psychologically it works.

5. Self Expression

Use your own knowledge, skills and enthusiasm to sell your company.

Offer workshops on business, cross sell with other services, attend trade shows to promote your business or offer to talk on radio about your area of expertise. Not only will this create an opportunity for you to discuss your business, it is also an opportunity to learn.

Depending on your style of business and marketability, things like company logos, slogans, advertising jingles, even company mascots are a great way of endearing customers to your brand.

Whatever field you’re in there’s many styles of marketing to best promote your business. Taking a multi faceted approach and employing as many tactics as you can afford to, will ensure your name imprints on the customer’s mind. With a bit of creativity, passion and carefully targeted campaigns you can snowball your brand name into something that grows for many years to come.

Rebecca Harris is a writer living in Melbourne with expertise in creating witty, insightful and engaging content.  Her articles have been published widely and she is a prolific contributor on social media platforms.

(Image Source: Shutterstock)

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