When it comes to consulting interviews, most people are fixated on the case interview. Which makes sense, given the amount of practice that’s required to ace the case.
But, as an aspiring consultant, don’t forget that you will also face the Fit Interview!
Fit Interviews can be very tricky because they require you to talk about yourself and your past experiences in a way that portrays you in the best possible light. For some this will come naturally, but for many (particularly science and engineering students) it won’t.
The good news is that one of our contributors who is a very switched-on guy, MBA candidate, and President of his respective consulting club has offered to Skype with people one-on-one to help them understand and ace the consulting fit interview.
This will involve having a short Skype call about Fit Interviews with someone who really knows his stuff.
If you would like to apply for this opportunity, please email “editors [at] spencertom [dot] com”. Applications close 28 Febuary.
We will try to accomodate everyone who applies, but it will depend on numbers. If there is excess demand, we will select only the most competitive applicants.