Skills, Tips, and Tactics

They Say Knowledge Is Power – Knowledge Management Basics

The term ‘knowledge management’ has become increasingly trendy over the past couple of years during B-school. And with that trend a new one has emerged: little information on how to manage it successfully.

In any team dynamic, formal or informal, it is essential to derive and translate relevant knowledge to the right people. However, the right systems, processes, and culture need to be in place to give knowledge experts the opportunity to share it. This is the trickiest part. To shine a light on the topic, I thought I could encourage you to share your own knowledge of knowledge management by … sharing mine.

In the infographic below, I’ll:

  1. Start by showing you what experts are saying about the topic
  2. Slice the definition into pieces and share some food for thought
  3. Walk you through some challenges I’ve seen
  4. Introduce you to some interesting ways to encourage knowledge sharing

You can download a pdf version of the infographic here.


Aneta Kosinska is a Polish-Canadian and soon to be dual master degree Ivey MSc + CEMS MIM alumni. Having worked on consulting projects in North America, Asia and Europe she has developed an international mindset with an edge in technology and culture management.

Image: Pexels

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