Career Advice

The Importance of Appearance and How to Get it Right

When you walk into an interview, even before you speak, shake hands or talk through your resume, something else is doing a lot of talking in your behalf: your appearance. Even though your clothes do not speak, they communicate a lot about you.

Whether you like it or not, physical appearance has an effect on how you are perceived by others. Consequently, it can play an enormous role in whether you receive a job offer, invitations to networking events, and access to other personal and professional opportunities.

We all would like to be evaluated for our inner qualities, credentials, achievements, and work experience. However, since top firms typically attract many outstanding applicants, your outer appearance gives you a chance to stand out and be remembered. Making a thoughtful investment in your appearance and paying attention to detail will play a crucial role in delivering an unforgettable first impression.

Different aspects of improving your appearance are explored below. These tips are generally more applicable for a female audience, however males are encouraged to read on as well, as this article will add to your understanding on the importance of elevating your appearance.


Please make sure to polish your shoes carefully before the interview. If possible, avoid walking by getting a ride, or change into an appropriate pair of shoes before entering the company’s building. By ‘appropriate’ I do NOT mean sneakers. You are not looking to be comfortable, but rather impressive. Ladies, do NOT wear shoes that display toes, and your heels should always be under 3 inches. If you want to wear heels, make sure to learn how to walk in them before going into the meeting (the last thing you want is to be remembered as the one who fell to the ground). Also, don’t wear your shoes for the first time on the day of the interview – they may be uncomfortable, make weird noises, or simply not fit.


Make sure your clothes are clean and thoroughly ironed. Do not wear clothes that are a size too big or a size too small. Tailored business suits are pricy, especially if you are still looking for jobs or studying. However, you can buy regular clothes and find a tailor to make small tweaks so that they fit you properly. Small changes can go a long way towards elevating your looks, and the way you are perceived.

The colors that you wear matter. This is not the time to show your artistic side. It is better to stick to neutral colors (white, black, navy and nudes) and to avoid bold colors such as red, yellow, and orange. Moreover, if you really want to elevate your look, check out color theory on Youtube or other platforms. There are certain colors that suit us better, depending on our tones and undertones. Finding the right colors is important since you can apply this knowledge to always buy the best garments.

Always wear a blazer to an interview. And I do mean always. It doesn’t matter how hot it is outside, you wear a blazer. It is an undisputed item of clothing that you need to have on during interviews. Invest in a high-quality blazer that suits you and that you can wear for a long time.


This is another important piece that is often overlooked. It can complete or ruin the way you are perceived. You always need to bring a briefcase (not a bag or backpack) to an interview. This way you make sure to have enough room for extra copies of your CV (without wrinkling them) and for a notebook to jot down notes during the case studies. It is better if you find a briefcase to hold by the handles, rather than with a strap for the shoulders. This allows you to keep a better balance.


Less is more. Try to keep it to a minimum. For the ladies, choose between one simple jewelry item, either a ring, earrings, neckless or bracelet. Do not overdo it. Watches are a must. It doesn’t have to be expensive but mind the color. If you have a silver watch, wear silver earrings/silver ring. It looks more elevated when all the elements are the same.

Make up

Look neat. Do not try out a new look or makeup foundation for an interview. Make sure to try those out beforehand. Do not wear too much makeup. A little foundation, concealer, mascara and lipstick is enough. Also, be careful with the lipstick. Do not go for bold colors – choose simple nude ones instead.


Do not put your hair in a ponytail, or do no more than wash and dry it. Make sure to style your hair accordingly to show your best features. It is a useful skill to learn how to blow dry your hair at home in order to fix yourself up whenever you need to. Your hair frames your face, and the interviewers will be looking at your face throughout the interview – hence it is important to style it properly.

Walk & Attitude

All of the above are necessary, and the cherry on top is your walk and your attitude. When you know you are dressed for the role, and are looking your best, you will feel even more relaxed and comfortable during the interview. Walk straight with your head up high, and with the attitude that the company you are interviewing with would be lucky to have you.


If you still question the importance of first impressions, then read the study by Frank Bernieri at Oregon State University. In his study, 100 business students got interviewed by trained interviewers just as if they were competing for roles at large corporations. Their 30 minute interviews were recorded and the first 20 seconds were shown to a group of psychology students who rated the interviewees according to their perceived intelligence, friendliness and warmth. The results were surprising. Both groups of observers selected the same candidates, even though the psychology students only saw the first 20 seconds of the interaction without hearing any of the interview answers.

Certain things are important, whether you like it or not. We are humans and make snap decisions about other humans. Being well groomed matters more than you think it does. So, go and read the above tips one more time and make sure you are looking your best for your consulting interviews.

Tringa Krasniqi holds an MBA degree from The George Washington University. She is the founder and consultant at Ivy Journey, an educational consulting firm for gaining admission to universities and winning scholarships.

Image: Pexels

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