Finding a job as a young professional is a challenging task in any climate, however, by following these four tips you can increase your chances of kickstarting your career.
1. Do something you’re passionate about
An individual is likely to spend significantly more time and energy on tasks they’re passionate about relative to other tasks. Needless to say, this additional time and effort spent will normally result in a higher quality and quantity of work produced. This is a great way to earn a reputation early on as a valuable asset to any organization.
One of the common issues that arise from people being told to “follow their passion” is not being able to articulate or understand what passion in a career actually is. Following on from this, individuals will often go into a field they find enjoyable as opposed to something they think is actually important. When you are determined to make a difference, you will be more likely to make an impact. This is because you will be putting in that extra time and effort.
2. Make a five-year plan
This is critical as it gives you a sense of direction of who you want to become. A creative and fun way to form a five-year plan is by drawing a picture of yourself with all of the things you want to achieve within five years. Try and split up your goals into different categories of life to avoid being overwhelmed with the task. This can range from health to career/finance to how you organize your living space. Dream as big as possible and don’t skip on the details.
The next part is to work backwards, work out what steps are required in order to meet these goals. Break it down as much as possible and set six-month, one-year, and three-year objectives to ensure you meet your final objectives in five years.
Now you can start doing it! Start being the person you want to be in five years. Start simple by immersing yourself in media and hanging out with friends that will help you grow in the direction you want. If some of your goals are currently way out of reach, start on the path that is robust in comparison to the objective. For example, this could be earning a higher qualification or investing in stocks.
3. Do your research
When looking for a job, it is essential that you do as much research as possible. Find out what experience and skills are required and get to work ensuring you earn them. This can be a good exercise to do when working out your five-year plan.
Research is also essential when going into job interviews. Most organizations will want to know why you want to work for them, earning an income is not a sufficient answer. Doing some research on who will be interviewing you can also significantly boost your chances of getting hired. Small things like addressing the hiring manager by their real name or finding common ground with the interviewer will make you stand out from other candidates. Asking yourself what the organization does differently and what their point of difference in the marketplace is in advance will ensure you are prepared.
4. Look for ways to grow
Looking for ways to grow requires you to first understand what you are lacking. One of the best ways to do this is to find a mentor. Reach out to someone who has the life or job you want. Even if you don’t know them that well, send them an email and ask if you can buy them a coffee and talk about their life or job. Ideally, this person will be someone who is respected and has influence.
By starting to understand how the person you look up to got to where they are now, it will give you a better idea of the steps you will need to take. If you’re lucky this person will act as a mentor. They can be someone you rely on to give advice on your current situation and potentially even vouch for you if you’re applying for roles.
Final thoughts
Starting your career is a daunting process. Finding a passion, developing a long-term plan, researching the organization, and looking for areas to grow in are easy but effective ways to improve your chances of getting the job you want. Happy job hunting!
Alex Grey is an experienced sports coach whilst also completing a Bachelor of Commerce, majoring in Economics and Environmental Studies. He has a passion for problem-solving and contributing to the community.
Image: Pexels
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