
Putting your best foot forward – how to approach summer jobs

For any student aspiring to a professional career, whether it be in management consulting or otherwise, the value of summer employment is often hugely underestimated. The benefits of a good summer job extend greatly beyond simply alleviating the financial pressures involved with studying. This article explains how taking the right approach to summer employment will benefit you in the early stages of your career.

Gaining desirable employment in a professional capacity is very competitive for young graduates. Trying to stand out from the crowd is made even more difficult when you are competing against other highly qualified individuals – you cannot expect employers to separate your CV from the pile based on your qualifications alone. Instead, one of the most powerful tools you have to differentiate yourself is proven work experience that consolidates your other qualifications and achievements.

To a certain degree, it will benefit you no matter what you do. Whilst it can be a good idea to try and work in the industry you think you would one day like to work in, it is not essential. In some cases, a candidate with a broad base of experience can be a more desirable employee. Either way, you cannot go wrong just so long as you do something.

What is more important than what you do is the way you do it. It is far too easy to become caught up in thinking that whatever it is you’re doing is an unimportant summer job, however, it all counts for something in the scheme of things. A good reference down the line could prove invaluable.

If given the opportunity, however, getting the chance to work in the industry or sector you one day wish to pursue a career in is an invaluable experience. As we all know, the real world can differ greatly from the idealised version we are presented with at university, having the chance to jump in the deep end while you are still studying can have the same effect as a full emersion language retreat. You may get the chance to apply your learning in a way that greatly improves your confidence and competency in a given discipline.

Whatever it is that you are doing, it is important that you look to get something out of it. The most important thing is to ensure that your summer job benefits you more than just financially. No matter where you work it is a business and there is something to be learnt. If you are interested and engaged people don’t mind you asking questions, taking an interest in your work is often commended. Employers understand that employment needs to be mutually beneficial, so they often won’t mind giving a bit of their time to teach you about their business. There is even great value in just observing to see how things work. It is all experience that you can draw upon later in life.

Ultimately, most people who employ graduates are looking to make the best bet on the person they chose to fill the role. They are looking for the right sort of person that will complement their business, they will look at you from a wholistic perspective weighing up different attributes of which your qualifications are just one. Having some good experience under your belt makes you a far more attractive candidate in a competitive environment where it is what you have done over and above the bare minimum that will set you apart. Real life experience is just about the most important touch stone for employers, it proves you can walk the talk.

Jack Monckton is a young Kiwi student studying a Bachelor of Business at Massey University. He is passionate about business and has been recognised in national competitions for his entrepreneurial acumen.

Image: Pexels

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