
Digital Capital – The Way Forward for Aspiring Consultants

There is a good chance that you have a formidable LinkedIn profile, unmatched experience, and a dream to become the best in the consulting industry – so what’s next?

As a young and aspiring professional, you will be launching your consulting career in an uncertain environment. Already, there is immense competition for internships, graduate positions, and entry-level roles as we embrace a post-COVID reality and the global economy goes through a period of recalibration. The ability to harness digital technologies has become an important virtue of just about any role, a skill you can highlight in future job applications.

As consulting continues its transition to a more digital future, here are four things that you could be doing to improve your so-called ‘digital capital’.

1. Finding your Next Job Online

In our changing world, jobs we once dreamt of are fading away. New opportunities, however, invariably present themselves at every turn. Vacancies often are advertised and filled exclusively via online platforms. Being aware of such opportunities, as they arise, could be instrumental in helping to secure your next position. You should regularly check common job-seeking sites, but also remember to incorporate Linkedin and Facebook into your strategy, as ‘shoulder-tapping’ takes increased prevalence in industries such as consulting.

By staying connected with colleagues, former classmates, and even acquaintances, one can harness the power of networking by utilising connections and knowledge to the fullest. If you see a friend posting about their company and roles available, you can reach out to them for a reference or more information!

2. Knowing How to Synthesise Information

Anyone can use Microsoft Office to organise information, however the ability to present knowledge in a powerful, engaging, and meaningful manner is what sets you apart.

Learning to extract key information, and to synthesise it in a concise and coherent manner is of paramount importance. Visuals such as graphs and diagrams are more likely to engage clients than plain text and a list of numbers. It may be pertinent to mention that overdoing graphics can also be a problem, and distract your audience from the topic of interest. Avoid using over-the-top fonts, colours, and images – less is more!

3. Perfecting the Art of Video Conferencing

The use of videoconferencing, encapsulated in the form of Zoom, Google Meet, and Cisco WebEx, is becoming commonplace in many industries. Gone are the days of regular in-person meetings, many a times you’ll be dialling in via your remote workspace. As an aspiring consultant, knowing how to use these platforms, their functionality and how to troubleshoot problems is a means of ensuring your conversations go to plan.  Your attendees, colleagues, and seniors will appreciate your knowledge, which will enhance your output and overall performance.  Things can go awry, despite best efforts. Remember to have a Plan B and a laugh afterwards!

4. Creating a Standout LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn can be considered a gateway into an immense world of opportunity. Employers and potential clients use the tool to view profiles and qualifications of suitable candidates. Ensuring that your LinkedIn profile has your latest experience and qualifications can set you apart from the crowd. Sharing your latest achievements, or something that you found interesting is part of your digital branding.  By populating your LinkedIn feed, your name is more likely to come to an employer’s mind when they are searching for talent.  Remember that your Linkedin profile should be engaging and easy to read.  In a sea of competitive applicants, small details can influence the employer or client decision!

The Bottom Line

In a world where information is just a click away, the knowledge and resources available to each of us is immense. As a result, the ability to harness digital technology is likely to become even more important to the job of a consultant.  Using social media to land your next job interview is just one of benefits of accumulating digital skills.  As consultants transition to remote work, technical know-how will be an increasingly valued skill.

Digital capital is here to stay, and fluency in such matters will be increasingly held in high regard.  The journey is one of continual learning and progress. Those who fail to adapt will be left behind!

Saad Khalid is a 2nd Year Finance undergraduate at the Australian National University. An experienced campaigner in Community Media, his work in the broadcasting space mainly focuses on ethnocultural contributions to wider society. An aspiring consultant – this space – for articulation, excites him.

Image: Pexels

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2 replies on “Digital Capital – The Way Forward for Aspiring Consultants”

Thanks for sharing such an informative article. It is helpful for those who are in the field of consulting. Consulting is now the need of every business because consultants have knowledge about how to make the business successful with some good strategies and with the available resources.

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