Skills, Tips, and Tactics

Marketing Tips and Tools for your Internship

Marketing is an incredibly important function of any growing business. Marketing is generally the initial point of contact in a customer’s purchasing journey. It is where the company connects with customers.

In this article, I would like to share a few tangible pieces of advice that may benefit you if you are planning to jump into a marketing related venture.

Developing Digital Marketing Media

As a young professional eager for professional experience, you may want to explore marketing related opportunities. Part of many job descriptions is to develop digital marketing materials. This could include social media flyers, videos, and emails. When it comes to developing Instagram, Facebook, or online flyers my go to platform is Canva. With a Canva account, you gain access to ready-made templates that can be edited for your needs. Use the search function to filter by the theme or industry that you need to produce a flyer for, and then use the editor to tailor the media to your needs. Canva has made developing digital media incredibly easy.

Organizations are always testing new mediums to communicate with their target market. One relatively new medium that you may already have been exposed to is Tiktok. Tiktok has around 1 billion monthly active users, placing it ahead of Snapchat, Pinterest, and Twitter in terms of user engagement. Another key statistic is that 60% of Tiktok’s users are members of Gen Z, those born between 1997-2012. This is a key demographic not only for artists and musicians but also for companies looking to build awareness and shape social trends. If your target market overlaps with Tiktok’s userbase, you could pitch the idea to your marketing team to explore this new avenue. And as a younger member of the team – you may be given the responsibility for creating a Tiktok account for your company.

Marketing Analytics

One differentiator between good and great marketing practices is the use of data. Data may sound like an overwhelming word, but once you become a little more familiar with marketing analytics, you will realize how helpful it is. Marketers need to have data to understand how successful each marketing campaign has been. Tools that perform analytics on social media platforms can be used to track how many impressions, engagements, or actions a particular post resulted in. For example, Sprout Social is a useful social media management platform that can be used not only to create and schedule posts but also to uncover trends and insights from the data that could be used to inform a company’s marketing and business strategy.

To track, measure, and analyse user engagement with a website, you can use a free web analytics tool such as Microsoft Clarity or Google Analytics. These tools can give you useful macroscopic data such as average session duration, pageviews per session, and percentage of new users. They can also give you microscopic data like tracking the clicks of an individual user. The combination of these two forms of data can help you to understand user engagement and to streamline the website’s purchase or sign-up process. This could lead you to optimse the user interface by moving a promotional flyer above the fold on a webpage because most users don’t scroll to the bottom of the page.

The bottom line

Developing remarkable content and leveraging the power of data are two simple ways you can stand out in your marketing internship or other marketing related venture. I hope that this article has given you a few useful tools that you can use to connect customers with your organization and its products.

Zuhair Imaduddin is a Senior Product Manager at Wells Fargo. He previously worked at JPMorgan Chase and graduated from Cornell University.

Image: Pixabay

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