Career Advice

Choosing Management Consulting as a Career

As a young professional, fresh out of university I was certain I knew which career path I wanted to take. I had done extensive research into the consulting industry and was a member of the consulting club at my university. I knew then without any doubt that consulting was the great career choice for me, and I didn’t need help deciding.

Almost three years into the profession, there are new graduates who are struggling. Many have asked for guidance and assistance in navigating their way around the profession.

If you are asking yourself the question, “is consulting the right career for me?” then this article will help you in deciding whether to stay or choose a different career path.

Why do many individuals choose consulting?

“Consulting could open up interesting options in other career areas further down the line”, Target Jobs.

Consulting is a knowledge-based industry. Curiosity and creativity in addition to analysis and critical thinking are reasons why an individual would join consulting. It is a high-stakes industry where individuals are comfortable with decision-making. The one thing consultants have in common is their comfort with uncertainty and their willingness to view failure as part of a learning curve rather than a reason to quit. When a mistake has been made, consultants will often speak to their managers or other members of the team to identify where they may have made a mistake and ask for assistance on how to fix it. Even at partner level, consultants make mistakes. Decision-making may lead to an error of judgement, but you will never meet a consultant who doesn’t have a “can-do” attitude. Even when faced with adversity, many of them will ensure they follow through and deliver quality work.

Other individuals have based their consulting career choice on the degree they studied, wanting to align the skills learnt through their qualification with a specific career path. Many consultants have a commerce (business, finance, and economics), engineering or technology background. The numerical skills, analysis, data gathering, and critical thinking skills that come with these qualifications are crucial within the everyday role of consultants. Individuals considered to be “top talent” within their respective fields of study would be attracted to joining a company with similarly high calibre like-minded people. The industry isn’t degree specific, everything you need to know about the role, company, and clients, the respective employer will teach you.

Is consulting the right career choice for you?

Think about your skills, values, and where you see your career headed in the next 5- 10 years. Think about what job satisfaction looks like for you. My manager always says, “after the first 6-12 months in consulting, many people realise that consulting isn’t for them, it wasn’t meant to be for everyone”. For others, even the first 90 days is enough for them to decide to leave the industry.

Sooner rather than later, individuals realise that consulting isn’t your average 9-to-5 corporate job. It is a very time-consuming career. You are in charge of your own career and its progression. You may receive assistance, mentorship, and guidance but the freedom and flexibility to shape your career lies mostly with you. It is also about how you structure your work and meet deliverables.

Consulting forces you to be disciplined and to hold yourself accountable for the impact and value you will be adding to the company and its clients. If you are an individual who is curious, values constructive criticism, and has a “can-do” attitude, consulting may be the right career choice for you.

Although consulting firms are very transparent about what to expect before joining, the initial shock for many individuals entering the consulting industry is how fast-paced and highly pressured the environment is. A career in consulting may lead to fatigue and burnout as you put in longer hours and work on the weekends. However, it can also be rewarding, especially if you are disciplined with your time and establish work-life balance.

Consulting is a long-term career. The pace of mastering how the industry works and what is required for the role will differ from person to person. Like any other industry, consulting takes patience, consistency, and determination if you want to ultimately succeed.

Final thoughts

Don’t compare your career growth with colleagues. They may reach the top at the age of 28 and you may reach it at 30. Embrace the journey.

Be able to make your path inspiring and worthwhile. Always have a plan, track your progress, invest in a good mentor, celebrate your wins, and keep challenging yourself to exceed your own personal best.

Thanduxolo Love Mtsweni is a Management Consultant Analyst at Accenture in South Africa. She holds a Bachelor of Administration in International Relations and a Post-Graduate Diploma in Management (PDM- Business Administration). She is passionate about empowering the youth, and advocating for better youth employment opportunities.

Image: Pexels

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