As a consultant, you are likely working 60-80 hours during the week. Add in 6 hours of sleep every night, 14 hours for meals throughout the week, and 14 hours for weekly commuting, and there is not much time left for anything else.
In order to keep your body and mind functioning optimally, you should dedicate 30 minutes for exercise every day. But where should you put this workout? Before work, during lunch, right after work, or before bed? Although there is no right answer for when to work out, you will need to decide based on your home, work, and gym situation.
This short article will go through the pros and cons of each option and encourage you to pick the solution that works best for you. Exercising is incredibly important when it comes to maintaining a healthy body and mind, so you need to incorporate it into your routine to optimize yourself for a lengthy and productive consulting career. The bottom line is to get in a workout no matter what.
1. Working out in the Morning
If you are often tired in the mornings and resort to copious amounts of coffee – consider replacing a double espresso with the gym. Not only does working out first thing in the morning wake you up, but it will often energize you for the rest of the day. In addition, your exercise routine is more likely to be relaxed and not clouded by thoughts of work if you do it before you start ticking things off your to-do list. Avoid checking your email and messages before your workout. Also, since not everyone is a morning person, you are likely to find the gym emptier compared to other times, a plus if you prefer little competition for machines or weights.
A caveat to replacing your morning coffee with the gym – if you are genuinely tired then you are at risk of hurting yourself. Make sure to stretch and fully wake up before trying to lift any heavy weights. Furthermore, you might find yourself with less energy early in the day, as your metabolism has not kicked in yet and your stomach may be empty.
2. Working out at Midday
If you would prefer to be a bit more awake for your workout, consider going during a lunch break. After working for a few hours, you may want to take a break from looking at your computer. Going to the gym is a great way to de-stress by avoiding screens for an hour and putting on some relaxing or energizing music. Even better, you might find the gym emptiest at this time as not everyone has the flexibility in their schedule to allow them to take an hour off during the day.
If you are the kind of consultant that needs to build momentum throughout the day to maximize your focus and productivity, then halting your brain for an hour may derail your progress. Visiting the gym during the day requires you to invest an hour of your time and shift your focus away from client work, only to shift gears once again when you return to the office. Trying to squeeze a workout and a meal into a single hour lunch break may not be easy to achieve. Also, exercising within 30 minutes of eating may cause gastrointestinal issues. As a result, this option may only be feasible if you work from home, since you will have more time and flexibility to safely exercise and eat your lunch.
3. Working out After Work
If you are looking for the most effective way to de-stress, hit the gym immediately after a hard day’s work. Although mentally fatigued, you are likely to have a lot of energy at this time as you have just left your computer screen and the sun is still shining. Exercising before dinner has even been proven to speed up your metabolism and help you eat less during dinner, offering you the double benefit of consuming less calories and burning them faster. Choosing to work out after work can also be easier to incorporate into your daily routine as you do not need to return to work afterwards, and it is a healthy way to relax during the evening.
One huge issue with working out in the afternoon – crowds. The afternoon period from 4pm to around 8pm is often regarded as the busiest time for gyms. Another issue is timing. Many people need to commute during the late afternoon: travelling home from the office, picking up kids from school, and attending meetings or dinners. Thus, even if the gym is not packed, it is likely that the road to it is congested. Finally, if you have a family, you may prefer to spend this time with them, rather than hit the gym by yourself.
4. Working out Before Bed
Do you struggle to relax before bed, thinking about your work, bills, and kids? Well, putting in a good workout right before bed might be the solution. This is a great time to clear your head and meditate right before bed. Harvard Health has found that exercising before sleep can help you to fall asleep faster and enjoy more time in deep sleep.
If you like to avoid crowds, then this may be the perfect time as the gym should be mostly empty. If you are a travelling consultant, going to the hotel gym late at night might also be the only time you get a chance to work out if you are busy during the week.
Going to the gym right before bed might seem like a perfect time to work out – your work is completed, the kids asleep, and the gym empty. However, if you exercise too close to bedtime, or too intensely, then it may be hard to get to sleep. You just need to watch the timing and intensity of your late-night workout to make sure it doesn’t cost you a good night’s sleep. In addition, you may find that your local gym, hotel gym, or personal trainer is not open for business if you try to workout too late at night.
There is no “one size fits all” time to workout as a consultant. Every person is in a unique situation with respect to work, family, and optimal body function. Try the above options to see which one works well for you.
Regardless of when you choose to exercise, get in a regular workout no matter what. Exercise will have a positive impact on your mental and physical health and increase the productivity and longevity of your career as a consultant.
Ricky Hollenbach is a Thermal Sciences Associate at Exponent Scientific and Engineering Consulting in Atlanta, Georgia. He solves problems and assists clients in the thermal-fluids, heat transfer, aerospace, and turbomachinery fields. He earned his master’s and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at Duke University, also completing a certificate in Aerospace Engineering and Innovation & Entrepreneurship.
Image: Pexels
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