AI / Big Data

The Summer of AI and Consulting

A poem in six stanzas

Shall I compare AI to a summer’s day?
It’s bright and warm, like the sun’s rays.
But AI is more than just a season,
It’s a tool for consultants, with the power to reason.

It helps them solve problems, with its computational might,
And brings shrewd insights, that shine so bright.
It’s like a breeze, that cools the mind,
And helps companies, stay ahead of the grind.

But consulting is not just about the tech,
It’s about the people, and how to connect.
It’s about the strategy, and how to win,
It’s about the journey, and where to begin.

So let AI and consulting be entwined,
Like a summer’s day, that’s both bright and kind.
Together they’ll create solutions so grand,
To help struggling companies make a new stand.

For AI is more than just a tool,
It’s a powerful partner to help companies rule.
And consulting is more than just a guide,
It’s an energising vision, that helps companies decide.

So let AI and consulting be,
Like a summer’s day, forever free.
A perfect blend, of technology and strategy,
A force to be reckoned with, in every industry.

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