Human Resources

The benefits of different types of time off, and how they differ around the world

Ever feel short-changed by the amount of time you’re allowed to take off work? In some cases, individual employers are more generous than ever in looking after the well-being of their employees. But for freelancers, entrepreneurs, and small business owners the idea of taking off anything more than the occasional weekend is more fraught with […]


10 Things Effective Leaders Do To Earn Trust Quickly

There are some office resources that you can’t just order off Amazon: and trust is perhaps the most precious of these. When you’re assembling a team to achieve great things in a short timeframe, you need to know your crew has got your back. And more importantly, they need to know you’ve got them covered, […]


9 Creativity Hacks from Famous Geniuses

The imagination is a wild and wonderful tool for cooking up business ideas and solutions to problems – but unfortunately, control over the flow of that creativity seems out of our hands! Sure, reading lots and keeping the mind sharp with puzzles and challenges are great ways to keep you on top of your game, […]


A Small Business Guide to Facebook Insights

Facebook’s own marketing team make running a business page and using Facebook Ads sound simple and effective. Well, while there’s definitely a huge gulf in the reach between paying for boosted posts versus simply setting up your page and hoping for the best, a Facebook ad campaign without a strategy will be just as hopeless […]


How to Have More Meaningful Conversations

In business and in pleasure, conversations are our roadmaps through the day. They are how we share information, feelings, and ideas, and the nature of our conversations dictates the all-important relationships between ourselves and those around us. It’s no wonder that conversing can be pretty energy-consuming. And we can all be guilty of avoiding eye […]


How to create your own small business in your spare time

A regular job in the industry you love is a great place to start a career, but it can take years of making the tea, making connections, and accumulating experience before you find that your daily work is truly satisfying your needs. If you find yourself regularly putting in forty hours per week and still […]


How to win an argument every time (according to science)

Ever feel you’re fighting a losing battle at work? Compromise and empathy are valuable assets, but sometimes you need to outright get your point across if progress is to be made. Laboring on under a false understanding can just create more trouble down the line – and nobody learns anything if their misconceptions are never […]


What a Business Financial Statement Can Tell You About the Health of Your Business

When you run your own small business, it can be difficult to keep an objective distance from what you do. Bills come in, sales go out, you have your day-to-day goals and you watch the curvy line of profit and loss make its inexorable progress throughout the financial year. You have your big one-year and […]


How to build your emotional intelligence and look out for those around you

There are few responsibilities we have at work that won’t be handed over to computers and automatons in the decades to come, but one skill that will never be fully devolved to the robots is emotional intelligence. Every encounter you have at work is defined by the emotional intelligence of those involved. Even when you […]


How to give negative feedback to your employees

Positivity has become something of a cult the past few years. Like political correctness and the ‘#gratitude’ craze, it comes from a good place – but is meaningless if performed by rote, rather than discovered through respect and mindfulness. Negativity is by no means a healthy attitude, but point-by-point identifying of negative trends within an […]


How to achieve your goals by improving your self-discipline

Breakfast is not just the most important meal of the day, but also the most important meeting you’ll have: a chance to check in with yourself, remember what it’s all about, and strengthen your resolve to succeed. Success in business means not just managing your assets, your network, and your office, but above all: managing […]


One Cow Describes Eight Business Models

Business models have diversified and evolved in unpredictable ways over the past couple of decades. Those businesses that have thrived have been the ones who were best able to not only take advantage of the new possibilities offered by the world wide web, but to predict the ways that the internet would change the way […]


Using Facebook Ads to make your brand part of everyday life

If you’ve been turning your nose up at the idea of advertising on Facebook, you’re missing out on a fantastic opportunity. It may not exactly be ‘old school’ – even by internet standards – but Facebook Ads have a way of integrating themselves into your customer’s daily lives in an unobtrusive way that puts them […]


How to stay productive when facing a deadline

Most of us work pretty hard to ensure an even schedule throughout the working week: five or more days of calm, measured – if industrious – productivity. Yet most people will also recognize the simple truth that, from time to time, work tends to get bunched up together. Whether it’s a fast-approaching deadline, a backlog […]


It’s time to spring clean your social media customer care strategy

Most young entrepreneurs have a pretty good handle on social media. The same business people most likely have a healthy understanding of customer care. However, put the two together, and the results are not always intuitive. Dealing with complaints and enquiries via social media is a game with its own rules – neither as informal […]


2010s or 1920s – In the World of Work, the Only Constant is Change

How are you dealing with the 21st century? Those who’ve been in the work market for a couple of decades or more have witnessed a hastening evolution of how things are done and what you need to do just to get by – let alone to excel. Even millennials can find themselves somewhat adrift when […]


How to turn down work without compromising your position

When was the last time you said ‘no’ at work? There’s no shame in being the guy who says ‘yes’: taking on work indiscriminately is the sign of a healthy work ethic – but whether it’s a productive work ethic or not is another matter. And, unfortunately, the willingness to take on every task you’re […]


How to make yourself work when you’re not feeling it

Being boss doesn’t mean you get to demand results – it means creating the conditions for those results to be achieved. If you’re running your own business and are responsible for a team, you’ve probably cast a judgmental eye over some of the trendy quirks and gimmicks that your contemporaries in some of the better-known […]