Career Advice

Passion Versus Profession – Are Management Consulting and Music Production Really That Different?

As an aspiring management consultant who has also been working as a music producer for several years, composing, arranging, and producing songs for multiple artists, I get a lot of questions about this seemingly strange combination of interests. “If you love music so much, why don’t you do it as a full-time job?” “If you […]

Skills, Tips, and Tactics

5 Secrets for Improved Productivity

Life comes packaged with only so many minutes, around 40 million of them. Making the most of each one will help you to become more productive and, ultimately, achieve your goals. There are many different ingredients that combine to determine your productivity including the time of day, physical environment, your level of motivation, as well […]


How to Succeed in the New Age of Interviews

The process of securing an internship at an investment bank is both a daunting and strenuous endeavour. Through research and experiences of my own, I have gathered insights into how to prepare for and succeed in the search for an internship. I began by considering what to do to get an initial foot in the […]

B-School / Consulting Clubs

Making The Most Out Of A Networking Event at University

If you are going to university, it is likely that you will attend a corporate networking event at some point. Whether you want to form connections with your dream employer, find out about a specific company or industry, or simply go because that’s what all of your friends seem to be doing, these events can […]

Career Advice

Mythbusters: The Management Consultant Edition

So you’re interested in being a management consultant? Great! But what is it that they actually do? If you’re still not sure of the answer then read on, as I bust the myths and reveal the realities of what it truly means to be a “management consultant”. 1. Consulting only pertains to the business sector- […]

Career Advice

Tips for Landing Your First Job at a Digital Agency

Every year, recruiters get hit with waves of resumes from newly graduated college students looking for internships or starting positions at top firms. In order to make an impact with your potential employer, your resume has to stand out. To help you do this, we made a helpful guide on applying to and landing jobs […]

B-School / Consulting Clubs

Mastering Your Career: The Right Postgrad to Pursue

Everyone knows what an MBA is, but if you’re living outside Europe, the MiM, or Master’s in Management, may have passed under your radar. Nonetheless, whether you’re looking to change your career or kick-start it, a Master’s program is worth looking into, and in the world of business, the MBA and the MiM are the […]

Career Advice

Finding the One: A Job-hunter’s Fallacy

In today’s world, the lives of fresh grads are meant to revolve around their careers and professional advancement, and so it is obviously no surprise that so many of us struggle to commit to a specific field, out of fear that it’s not THE perfect job for us. Much like dating, job-hunting is a game […]

Career Advice

The Consulting Myth

The first piece of advice I was given when I started my Master’s in Management at London Business School was to beware of the mirage of consulting. On the first day of orientation, we were told that we should start applying yesterday, especially if we wanted to get into consulting – but not to put […]


5 Steps To Securing a Consulting Internship

Few internship schemes are as competitive as those offered by top management consulting firms – for many good reasons. Instead of making coffee, you will work on challenging projects as part of a team. Your salary will be more than decent. And even if you find out that consulting is not for you, the knowledge […]

Career Advice

Commercial Awareness – what is it and how do I get it?

“Commercial awareness” is a buzzword that employers like to toss around a lot nowadays, but what is it and how do you get it? Thankfully, gaining “commercial awareness” is a lot less scary than you think – all it really means is to have an awareness of what’s going on in the world and in […]

Skills, Tips, and Tactics

5 Steps to Structuring A Professional Email

One thing they don’t teach you at university, but which every young professional needs to learn, is how to write an effective email. Here are five (5) steps to help you successfully structure your professional emails. Step 1: Start with a greeting You should start your email with a greeting. It is important to do […]


Why Consulting?

First and foremost I want to address the myth that all high achieving students have about consulting, “You need talent to be a consultant!”. I completely dismiss this notion and would like to replace it with another idea, “You need no special talent, you only need to be passionately curious!”. Curiosity drives intuition and that’s […]

Career Advice

Management Consultancy 101: How to navigate your first application

So you’ve decided you want to be a management consultant? Congrats, you’re now one of thousands competing for the same job! And there’s your first problem: how do you stand out? The first step is always the hardest and sadly the most important, so here’s my guide on how to tackle your first consultancy job […]


Is Peter Mandelson really a strategy consultant?

As a journalist I have followed one simple rule: anything Peter Mandelson wants to conceal is something that the British people need to know. The rule was established over twenty years ago when as an MP he took a whacking great loan from a fellow MP, Geoffrey Robinson, and decided to conceal this from his […]

Career Advice

How to get a head start as a first-year student

Every now and then, I meet students in their final year at university who are worried about applying for graduate jobs in consulting. “It seems like a great job – but I just don’t think my CV is good enough” is something I have heard many times. True, graduate schemes at top firms are very […]

Career Advice

Travel, Training and Mentorship

Three significant aspects in the life of a management consultant: travel, training and mentorship. Travel When it comes to travel, different consulting firms have different policies. McKinsey consultants often spend Monday to Thursday at the client site with Fridays in the office. Bain and BCG often spend a lot of time with the client at the beginning […]

Economics Frameworks Strategy

The Spirit of Giving – Re-examining the notion of “Value”

Merry Christmas! Joyeux Noël! Sheng Dan Kuai Le! (圣诞快乐!) Wishing you an enjoyable day, and a happy holiday season spent with good people, surplus amounts of food and drinks, and a large number of gifts! One idea that is firmly associated with Christmas is gift giving. This is a central part of the Christian tradition, […]

B-School / Consulting Clubs

Why Getting Your MBA Gives You Confidence

One of the most enduring reasons to get your MBA (or even EMBA) goes far beyond the “so-called” traditional reasons for going back to grad school (starting with increasing your pay check). It also extends much further than your expanded business network and the knowledge that you pick up along the way, including bettering how […]

B-School / Consulting Clubs

Why International Business Degrees Are So Important

International business degrees, in particular the MBA, are of increasing importance in a world where globalization (no matter how you define it) is here to stay. If anything, despite the recent backlash against globalisation, international business people who have an understanding of different business cultures are far better prepared for the world that lies ahead. […]

B-School / Consulting Clubs

Lessons Learned from a German EMBA

In the fall of 2015, after spending two years in a small town in the Ruhr Valley starting to learn German (I will appreciate Mark Twain’s perspective on the sprache so much better going forward), I moved to Frankfurt to begin my Executive MBA at the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management. There are many […]

Skills, Tips, and Tactics

Surviving in a Procyclical Industry

Management consulting is a service industry that earns its keep by serving large organisations – corporate, non-profit and government. During economic downturns these prospective clients typically have less money, or more uncertain cash flows, and so are less likely to spend money on consulting services. As a result, consultants are vulnerable to layoffs during economic […]

Career Advice

“Up or Out” Policy

It is common for top consulting firms to subject consultants to a rigorous “up or out” policy. What this means is that consultants are required to advance to the next level of responsibility within a certain period of time or leave the firm. Consultants normally receive regular performance feedback and so have frequent opportunities to […]

Career Advice

Consulting Roles

A consultant who enjoys a successful career progression within the consulting industry will be promoted up through the ranks and hold various different roles along the way. Job titles will vary by firm. An entry level consultant may be called a business analyst or junior associate. New recruits who hold an advanced degree (e.g. MBA, […]

Career Advice

Generalist versus Specialist

The traditional consulting career model employed by top consulting firms like McKinsey was to develop generalist consultants who could apply general business principles and frameworks across different industries, sectors and functional areas. Clients increasingly value industry experience and specialized knowledge, and so firms are evolving the traditional consulting career model to accommodate these changing client demands. […]

Career Advice

Brief History of the Consulting Industry

Executives often rely on the advice of management consultants. Was it always this way? Where did it all begin? The management consulting industry, as we know it, originated in America. The very first management consulting firm was Arthur D. Little, founded all the way back in 1886 by a professor at MIT whose name was […]

Skills, Tips, and Tactics

Consulting Jargon

We have commented on consulting jargon before, but we will do it again. Organisations hire management consultants to provide advice on their most challenging business problems. Senior management are busy people, and so consultants need to communicate as clearly as possible. The need for clarity, however, has not prevented consultants from developing an industry jargon all […]

Career Advice

Consulting or Banking

If you are a high achieving undergraduate or MBA student, then you are likely to be considering various highly paid and prestigious career options. This post provides you with a high level comparison of management consulting and investment banking. 1. Nature of the job Management consultants assist organisations by providing advice to address specific problems […]

Career Advice

Is Consulting For You?

Management consulting is a nice perch, but it is not for everyone. Many people go into consulting with a plan to gain a few years of experience and then apply for B-school or pivot into industry or entrepreneurship. This is a legitimate strategy, but it can also be a cop out with many people leaving […]

Skills, Tips, and Tactics

Required Consulting Skills

The consulting industry provides many services and covers many industry sectors, and so the domain knowledge and expertise that a consultant needs will vary depending on the industry focus and services that the consultant actually provides. That being said, there are some generic skills that every consultant will need to have. As a starting point, […]


9 M’s Resource Audit Checklist

An organisation’s approach to strategy will always depend on the circumstances. Who are the organisation’s competitors? There will be existing competitors, and outsiders who might threaten to compete in future. And who are the organisation’s customers? There will be existing customers, and larger groups that the organisation wants to target. By understanding the external environment, an organisation will then be […]

Career Advice

What Do Consultants Do Each Day?

Consultants work on projects of varying lengths, and are often required to travel to work on site with the client. The specific tasks that a consultant undertakes will depend on which firm she works for, the project requirements, as well as her level of seniority and experience. Projects typically follow a predictable cycle which involves […]

Career Advice

Types of Consulting

There are many different types of consulting. As an aspiring consultant, you would be well advised to understand your options so that you can make an informed decision about which kind of consulting is right for you. Here are five (5) of the main types of consulting that might interest you: Strategy: Think BCG, McKinsey and Bain […]

Career Advice

What is Consulting?

“Consulting” is a pretty general term, and doesn’t really give you a clear idea of what consultants actually do. The Oxford dictionary indicates that “to consult” means to “seek information or advice from someone (especially an expert)”. In other words, consultants are people who provide expert advice. We are interested mainly in the consultants who provide advice […]

Career Advice

A Career In Management Consulting

Consulting is an appealing career choice for many graduates. Consultants have the potential to travel with work, network with Fortune 500 executives, earn six figure salaries, develop high-level transferable business skills, and benefit from lucrative exit opportunities. What’s not to like? Well, for all its benefits, the life of a consultant is not necessarily a bed of […]

Career Advice

How To Deal With Rejection

If you have gone through the consulting interview process and are not offered a position with your target firm, then you should find out why. There are two reasons this is important. Firstly, getting specific feedback on your performance is the only way you can learn and improve. Secondly, you may discover that the firm has […]

Career Advice

Negotiating An Offer Of Employment

If you have received an offer of employment from the consulting firm of your choice, you may still want to negotiate the terms of the offer. How should you go about doing this? Use your bargaining power Your ability to negotiate the terms of your offer depends on how much bargaining power you have. The consulting […]

Career Advice

Accepting An Offer Of Employment

If you are offered a position with a consulting firm (and are happy with the terms of the offer) then feel free to accept it. You can talk to the recruitment management to let them know your decision, and you will also need to sign, date, and return a copy of the offer letter. Be sure to […]

Career Advice

After The Interview

(Source: Flickr) We have talked at length all year about consulting interviews, and in this post we provide three (3) thoughts on what to do after the interview comes to an end. Confirming the next step: To find out about the next step in the recruitment process, talk to the recruitment manager (this will probably be someone other […]


Practice Case Questions

(Source: Flickr) If you want to practice case questions, I highly recommend Marc Cosentino’s book Case in Point. You can also access sample case questions from various consulting clubs here, and from the following consulting firm websites: McKinsey & Company; Bain & Company; Oliver Wyman; Deloitte; A.T. Kearney; Accenture; and L.E.K. Consulting. [For more information on consulting […]


Product Market Expansion Matrix

The product-market expansion matrix may prove useful in the consulting case interview and is relevant when considering growth strategies. It might be used on a standalone basis or as part of a larger profitability framework. There are four ways that a company can pursue growth: Market penetration: A strategy to increase sales to existing customers […]


Outsourcing Matrix

The outsourcing matrix may prove useful in the consulting case interview, either as a standalone framework or as part of a larger profitability framework. With the view to reducing costs, there are three questions that a firm would do well to consider: How long will it take to reduce major cost drivers? Are the activities strategically […]


McKinsey 7 S Model

While you may not directly use the 7 S Model in the consulting case interview, it will give you a deeper understanding of how to examine the inner workings of an organisation, identify strengths and sources of competitive advantage, as well as weaknesses and reasons why an organisation may not be operating effectively. The 7 […]


BCG Growth/Share Matrix

While it may not be a core framework for solving consulting case questions, the BCG Growth Share Matrix can help to broaden your understanding of how a company might want to allocate cash between products and business units. The framework is based on the idea that the amount of cash a product uses is proportional […]

Skills, Tips, and Tactics

How to Attend Conferences as a Businessperson

(Source: Cydcor) This is a guest post from Archie Ward. Take responsibility for getting the most value out of the next conference you attend. By planning ahead and thinking strategically, a conference can generate sales, increase business, improve vendor relationships and initiate strategic partnerships. Going to a conference can renew excitement about the business, open […]

Consulting Industry

Conversation with 2020 Delivery

2020 Delivery is a management consultancy committed to improving public services and bringing about lasting change within public sector organisations. I recently had the good fortune to talk briefly with Mike Meredith who is a Director at 2020 Delivery, and leads the firm’s people development function. Please read the edited transcript of my discussion with […]


Value Chain Analysis

Value Chain Analysis is another tool that may prove useful during the consulting case interview. It can be used to analyse the cost structure of a company as part of a declining profitability case, or to analyse the supply chain as part of an operations case. To understand which activities provide a company with a competitive […]


Four P’s Analysis

Four P’s Analysis is a framework that may prove useful for solving consulting case questions. It can be used to evaluate the marketing strategy for a product. 1. Price The pricing strategy that a company employs will affect its market share and profitability. There are three key pricing strategies to consider. Competitive pricing: How do prices compare with […]

Skills, Tips, and Tactics

Rewarding Your Most Valuable Clients

(Source: reynermedia) This is a guest post from Archie Ward. Many business people do not know how to bond with their clients. This is because the majority of such individuals struggle to find time to enjoy themselves. If you are such an individual, then there are things you can do to help you bond with […]

Consulting Industry

Crescendo Partners Still Going Strong!

There were rumors circling last week that Crescendo Partners (the elite global advisory firm based in Sydney) are winding down their operations. These rumors are incorrect. Crescendo Partners MD Joseph Crepaldi confirmed to me by email that while the physical office has been closed because the building is being brought down, Crescendo Partners is still active!