Blockchain / Crypto

Stablecoins: Transforming Digital Payments in 2025

Stablecoins are reshaping finance by providing the stability and usability that traditional cryptocurrencies lack. Pegged to assets like the U.S. dollar, they offer predictable value, making them ideal for payments, remittances, and decentralized finance (DeFi). With increasing regulatory clarity and adoption by financial institutions, stablecoins are becoming a key driver of digital transactions. Why Stablecoins […]

Blockchain / Crypto

Blockchain: New Use Cases for Governments and Business

Governments, businesses, and individuals are developing new use cases for blockchain as barriers to adoption continue to decrease. Blockchain has already had a significant impact in the finance industry with the global cryptocurrency market cap now exceeding $1 trillion. Blockchain looks set to be deployed in many other industries. The technology adds value by enabling […]

Blockchain / Crypto

Ethereum 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Ethereum

In this article we will provide a beginner’s guide to the Ethereum blockchain. What is Ethereum?  What challenges does it face? 1. What is Ethereum? The purpose of Ethereum boils down to the transfer and storage of money and data. According to, Ethereum is a “technology that lets you send cryptocurrency to anyone for a […]

Blockchain / Crypto

Blockchain: Bitcoin, Bored Apes, and Beyond

Blockchain technology is making a strong impact in the finance industry due to the fact that it enables decentralization and direct peer-to-peer transactions. Removing the financial intermediary, i.e. the bank, can increase convenience, efficiency, and security. Direct peer-to-peer transactions can be settled instantly compared with interbank transfers that traditionally take several days. Transaction fees can […]

Blockchain / Crypto

CBDC vs Crypto: Divining the Future of Digital Payments

With the emergence of cryptocurrencies in 2009, the financial industry has experienced major disruption. This invention acted as a catalyst for many subsequent innovations, which came about by building on the revolutionary blockchain technology, or by reacting to it. A prime example for this phenomenon are Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). As opposed to cryptos, […]

Blockchain / Crypto

Crypto Regulation: A Case Study on Crypto Mixers

Cryptocurrencies are some of the hottest commodities among investors, and also the subject of heated debate. While some of the most respected investment banks, such as JP Morgan, are investing heavily into blockchain technology, Chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Gary Gensler has often vocalised his scepticism towards cryptos as an inflated speculative […]

Blockchain / Crypto

Understanding Non-fungible tokens (NFTs)

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have caught people’s attention. For those interested in collecting original digital assets, NFTs have become the new way to legitimize ownership of anything that can be digitized. An asset is fungible if one unit can be directly exchanged for any other unit of the same asset.  In other words, each unit of […]

Blockchain / Crypto Economics

Cryptocurrency – Understanding its role through the lens of economic history

Cryptocurrency has often been a divisive and controversial topic in the world of finance and economics. Some notable figures have written it off, claiming it to be nothing more than a complex Ponzi scheme, while others are insistent that cryptocurrencies are the future of the monetary system. Regardless of which party is correct, the near […]

Blockchain / Crypto

Berlin Blockchain Week 2019

In my last blog post I interviewed a fellow CEMSie, who heads partnership advisory at ScanTrust by day and co-runs BerChain by night, about the potential focus areas for blockchain in supply chain and one of the world’s most impressive blockchain ecosystems: Berlin. We learned that due to the ecosystems varying focus areas, the many […]

Blockchain / Crypto

Blockchain for Supply Chain – Insights from Berlin

I recently sat down with blockchain aficionado Ricardo Garcia to gain some insights into the Berlin blockchain space. We dove into an hour-long Q&A session with three main objectives: To learn how Ricardo found himself in the blockchain world after working at a strategy consulting firm To gain insights on potential focus areas for blockchain […]

Blockchain / Crypto Insurance

New Technologies in the Insurance Landscape (Part 2 – Blockchain)

Blockchain – the underlying technology first used in Bitcoin – is a new type of distributed consensus system that enables transactions to be quickly validated and securely maintained through cryptography, computational power, and network users, removing the need for a trusted centralized authority. The blockchain provides an immutable record and audit trail of transactions and […]

Blockchain / Crypto Healthcare

Blockchain in Healthcare: Possibilities and Limitations

The blockchain revolution continues…next stop: healthcare! Blockchain has shown the ability to streamline and revolutionize a number of industries and sectors and its ability to have a sizeable impact on the healthcare industry will be no different. Being able to capitalize on this unique technology could potentially connect fragmented clinical information in such a way […]

Blockchain / Crypto

Cryptocurrencies for Small Businesses – Cautions and Use Cases

As the price of cryptocurrencies skyrocketed in late 2017 and early 2018, there was rampant speculation about whether blockchain and cryptocurrencies are the future. They have potential to replace gold as a store of wealth or even fiat currencies for daily transactions. Bitcoin may be pilfering some gold demand, but gold and fiat currencies will […]

Blockchain / Crypto

Blockchain and the Law: Is It Safe and Legal to Trade Cryptocurrency?

Bitcoin and other blockchain-based cryptocurrencies are revolutionary thanks to their decentralized and unregulated nature. Not tied to any central bank or government, these virtual currencies have begun to redefine the fintech sector in a number of ways, but their iconoclastic properties mean they inhabit a murky stretch of legal landscape. As virtual currencies that permeate […]

Blockchain / Crypto

How Do Different Cryptocurrencies Stack Up?

There is Bitcoin, there is Ethereum, and there are now literally hundreds of other cryptocurrencies. In fact, as of late March 2018, there were almost 1,600 cryptocurrencies listed on CoinMarketCap. Admittedly, the majority of these are thinly traded, and only a few of them are serious contenders for first place. Before 2017, most people had […]

Blockchain / Crypto

BlockChain: Opportunities for the Consulting Industry

What is Blockchain? Blockchain is a decentralized network of computing units called nodes  that facilitate peer to peer transactions without the need for a third party or a larger centralized server to facilitate or validate those transactions. Currently, a trusted third party like a bank,lawyer or a government body is required to validate transactions, such […]

Blockchain / Crypto

Blockchain Entertainment

While the global banking behemoths rush in to the blockchain space, many industry verticals beyond banking are also exploring applications for this technology.  This starts with insurance but also extends to supply chain management and shipping. However, there is a new vertical that has almost overnight started using the technology, learning how to make money […]

Blockchain / Crypto

Bitcoin Remains Resilient Despite Establishment Backlash

Just this week, JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon came out strongly against Bitcoin.  Calling it a “fraud“, claiming that “it is worse than tulip mania”, and declaring that he will fire any employee who trades the cryptocurrency for being “stupid”. (While somewhat amusingly admitting that his daughter invests in Bitcoin.) Also this week, several China-based Bitcoin […]

Banking Blockchain / Crypto

Battle of The Central Banks: China Declares ICOs Illegal

As I have been writing in this space of late, the days of the Wild West for cryptocurrency are absolutely at an end. The writing has been on the wall all summer. The latest news to hammer the point home? As September dawned last week, six more major banks joined a UBS-led effort to create […]

Blockchain / Crypto

Can Bitcoin Be Regulated?

One of the attractions of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is the idea that they are not regulated by a central banking authority. It has led to some spectacular jumps in the price of Bitcoin, which is controlled by a relatively small number of global investors. The volatility in the market was even more obvious this […]

Blockchain / Crypto

Blockchain as Monetized Infrastructure

For those struggling to understand blockchain, think of it this way. It will be the digital connection between people as well as between machines – starting with your cell phone. It will be used to tell your washing machine when to run. It will also be used to bill you for the electricity and water […]

Blockchain / Crypto

The Rise of a Fossil Fuel Backed Cryptocurrency?

One of the most important things to remember about a digital currency is that it is just a way of transferring ownership and assets electronically. In fact, for those who are scrambling to understand both cryptocurrency and blockchain, this idea is the first, and unfortunately all too often, the only port of call. That said, […]

Blockchain / Crypto

Blockchain For Managers

No matter one’s professional background, these days it is almost impossible to escape at least a very basic introduction to “blockchain.” At its core, blockchain has the potential to give every individual access to data, processes, and the ability to transact with others on a scale that was never before possible. From a strictly mid-20th […]

Blockchain / Crypto

What Does Blockchain Mean For HealthCare?

There are many people who cringe when they think about what is going to happen to healthcare under a Trump administration. Healthcare is a subject which has wormed its way into everyday conversation since Ronald Reagan was in office. Back then “entitlements”, specifically social security, were a supposed “third rail” that could not be touched, […]

Blockchain / Crypto Investing

Investing In Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrencies are digital assets or “tokens” – akin to the idea of money – specifically designed to take advantage of the architecture of the Internet. Unlike traditional currency they have value not because of the guarantee of a financial institution or government. Instead, they have value for three reasons: their ability to be accurately “confirmed” […]

Blockchain / Crypto

What Is Blockchain? A Beginner’s Guide

The year 2017, for everything else it may or may not be, is already heralded as “The Year of Blockchain.” But what exactly is “blockchain” – and why is it slated to be the debutante of the ball across multiple industries? Essentially blockchain is a way of connecting distributed databases to each other. In other […]

Blockchain / Crypto Economics

The Far Reaching Impact of Blockchain

Blockchain, the underlying technology used by Bitcoin, has implications that reach far beyond the financial services community and banks. This is where new development and implementation may have focussed so far. However, as the technology and its implications become better understood, it will rapidly expand to new industries and verticals. Blockchain systems operate as a […]

Banking Blockchain / Crypto

Bitcoin, Digital Currency and The Future of Banking

When news broke in late October that some of London’s largest banks were investing in Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies in general got another boost. According to reports, however, this latest move to embrace Bitcoin was not a positive embrace of the digital currency per se, but rather a move to stockpile Bitcoin to fend off denial of […]