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Tom Spencer

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Tom Spencer last won the day on February 12 2022

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About Tom Spencer

  • Birthday May 10

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  • University
    Oxford University
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  • Occupation
    Teacher and Advisor
  • Experience
    Managing Director of Oxford's Said Venture Fund in 2013.

    Associate at Baker & McKenzie, a global law firm, from 2008 to 2012. Advised senior level clients at banks, financial institutions and large corporates in Sydney and Hong Kong on $3B worth of financing deals.

    Experience encompasses the full gamut of banking and financing transactions including loan syndication, property financing, debt restructuring, and acquisition financing.

    Experience also includes intellectual property advice relating to trade marks, copyright infringement, and marketing for global brands including Apple, Mars, Hasbro, Intel, and Harley-Davidson.
  • Education
    University of Oxford, Said Business School
    MSc in Financial Economics, 2012 - 2013

    University of Sydney
    LLB, 2007

    University of Sydney
    B Comm, Economics (Hons I), 2005

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  1. View File Template - Workplace Here is a good template, with illustrative inputs, of a well-structured workplan to help you organize and plan the analysis and data required to validate your hypotheses as part of the hypothesis-based problem solving approach. Submitter Tom Spencer Submitted 04/19/2023 Category Templates, Guidebooks, and Reports
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Here is a good template, with illustrative inputs, of a well-structured workplan to help you organize and plan the analysis and data required to validate your hypotheses as part of the hypothesis-based problem solving approach.
  3. Template - Creating a Problem Statement View File Here is a template that you can use to gather relevant information in order to develop a robust problem statement. A problem statement is a statement that describes the goals of the client project clearly and concisely. A clear problem statement makes it easier to establish clear boundaries for the project in order to prevent scope creep, ensures that you focus resources and efforts in the right direction, and makes it easier to regularly check back to make sure you are fully addressing the agreed problem. Most often clients come to consultants with problems that aren’t well defined. As a consultant, you must make sure that you translate a general problem into a client problem statement. Submitter Tom Spencer Submitted 04/19/2023 Category Templates, Guidebooks, and Reports  
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Here is a template that you can use to gather relevant information in order to develop a robust problem statement. A problem statement is a statement that describes the goals of the client project clearly and concisely. A clear problem statement makes it easier to establish clear boundaries for the project in order to prevent scope creep, ensures that you focus resources and efforts in the right direction, and makes it easier to regularly check back to make sure you are fully addressing the agreed problem. Most often clients come to consultants with problems that aren’t well defined. As a consultant, you must make sure that you translate a general problem into a client problem statement.
  5. Consulting Unleashed - A Practical Guide for University Students View File In this guidebook, we'll dive into the intricacies of the consulting industry. We’ll look at how to prepare for a consulting career, including the recruitment process, how to prepare for consulting interviews, and the frameworks you'll need to master to succeed as a consultant. We'll cover critical topics for navigating the industry, such as onboarding, maintaining work-life balance, and pursuing a successful career path. We’ll also uncover how to excel in this field, including developing business acumen, managing clients, leading project teams, building a professional network, and driving organisational change. Submitter Tom Spencer Submitted 03/26/2023 Category Job Applications  
  6. Version 1.0.0


    In this guidebook, we'll dive into the intricacies of the consulting industry. We’ll look at how to prepare for a consulting career, including the recruitment process, how to prepare for consulting interviews, and the frameworks you'll need to master to succeed as a consultant. We'll cover critical topics for navigating the industry, such as onboarding, maintaining work-life balance, and pursuing a successful career path. We’ll also uncover how to excel in this field, including developing business acumen, managing clients, leading project teams, building a professional network, and driving organisational change.
  7. View File Budget Planner - Money Smart This is an excel file which contains a basic budget planner developed by The Australian Securities & Investments Commission. Submitter Tom Spencer Submitted 05/19/2021 Category Templates, Guidebooks, Reports
  8. Version 1.0.0


    This is an excel file which contains a basic budget planner developed by The Australian Securities & Investments Commission. To stay in the loop, please following us on LinkedIn here.
  9. View File Brief Guide to Digital Currency This guidebook explores the nature, value, and potential risks of digital currency. Submitter Tom Spencer Submitted 10/29/2020 Category Templates, Guidebooks, Reports
  10. Version 1.0.0


    This guidebook explores the nature, value, and potential risks of digital currency. To stay in the loop, please following us on LinkedIn here.
  11. View File Brief Guide to Marketing Mix Modelling Marketing Mix Modelling can be used to help businesses measure the effect of advertising, packaging, distribution channels, media expenditures, social media, and sales organizational structure on brand share or sales. This brief guide answers a four key questions: Why use scientific methods in marketing? What is marketing mix modelling? Who should do the modelling work? What is essential for successful marketing mix modelling? The guide was prepared by Jason Oh, a Senior Consultant, Strategy & Customer at EY with project experiences in commercial due diligence and corporate strategy planning. Previously, he was a Management Consultant at Novantas with a focus on the financial services sector, where he advised on pricing, marketing, channel distribution, digital transformation and due diligence. Submitter Tom Spencer Submitted 09/05/2020 Category Templates, Guidebooks, Reports
  12. Version 1.0.0


    Marketing Mix Modelling can be used to help businesses measure the effect of advertising, packaging, distribution channels, media expenditures, social media, and sales organizational structure on brand share or sales. This brief guide answers a four key questions: Why use scientific methods in marketing? What is marketing mix modelling? Who should do the modelling work? What is essential for successful marketing mix modelling? The guide was prepared by Jason Oh, a Senior Consultant, Strategy & Customer at EY with project experiences in commercial due diligence and corporate strategy planning. Previously, he was a Management Consultant at Novantas with a focus on the financial services sector, where he advised on pricing, marketing, channel distribution, digital transformation and due diligence. To stay in the loop, please following us on LinkedIn here.
  13. View File Brief Guide to Customer Segmentation This brief guide to customer segmentation by Jason Oh contains information about: The definition of customer segmentation Why customer segmentation is important The four common types of customer segmentation Three analytical methods for performing customer segmentation Tools you can use Submitter Tom Spencer Submitted 06/23/2020 Category Templates, Guidebooks, Reports
  14. Version 1.0.0


    This brief guide to customer segmentation by Jason Oh contains information about: The definition of customer segmentation Why customer segmentation is important The four common types of customer segmentation Three analytical methods for performing customer segmentation Tools you can use To stay in the loop, please following us on LinkedIn here.
  15. View File Savings and Spending in the Economy Many mainstream economists argue that while individuals can save, an economy taken as a whole cannot because one person's spending is another person's income. This line of reasoning seems to defy logic and begs two questions: Can economies accumulate savings? Can total spending in an economy exceed total income? This PowerPoint deck shows the traditional model which suggests that an economy cannot accumulate savings and total spending will equal total income. It then proposes a simple revised model which suggests that (a) an economy can accumulate savings and (b) total spending can exceed total income. If you have studied economics, the slides will take 5 minutes to read through. Although you may have to brush up on how the banking system creates credit since this topic is typically absent from economics courses. Please take a look, and send your constructive criticism to tom [at] spencertom [dot] com Submitter Tom Spencer Submitted 04/29/2020 Category Templates, Guidebooks, Reports
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