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Found 8 results

  1. 1,290 downloads

    This document was produced by Victor Cheng, founder of CaseInterview.com. It provides an excellent quick guide to the key frameworks that you will need for your case interview. To stay in the loop, please following us on LinkedIn here.
  2. 644 downloads

    Produced by A. T. Kearney, this summary is designed for people who are preparing for the case interview. The document contains the following information: 1. Why the case format? 2. What to expect 3. How to succeed during your case interview 4. Case Types 5. Final Thoughts To stay in the loop, please following us on LinkedIn here.
  3. 1,433 downloads

    Produced by Accenture in 2006, this case interview workbook contains the following information: 1. What is the Case Interview? 2. The Case Interview Process 3. "Soft" Evaluation Criteria 4. Types of Case Interviews 5. Sample Frameworks and Applications 6. Practice Cases To stay in the loop, please following us on LinkedIn here.
  4. Ashley, Thanks for the great post on Growth Strategies. I will kick off the efforts to provide a recommendation to the question. Our client is the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. They want to develop a growth strategy for the next five years. What would you advise them to look at, and what are your recommendations for growth? Firstly, I would ask about the customer. I would be interested to identify customer segments: age groups, gender and socio-economic status, etc. I would then want to compare the current year's numbers to prior years to see whether there is any trend in the data. What do our customers want from us? How much are they willing to pay? Secondly, I would look at our product/offering. What do we provide our customers? Are we the low cost provider or do we distinguish ourselves from the competition in some way? Can we identify relevant complimentary goods or substitute goods? For example, as Ashley noted in her post "baseball games" and "musical performances" are substitutes for the museum. All three are forms of entertainment. A complimentary good might be public transportation. If the government has decided to increase the price of public transport, then this could have reduced the number of people willing and able to visit the museum. Thirdly, I would look at the museum itself. What are its core capabilities? E.g. hanging exhibitions. How does it reach its customers? E.g. newspaper, radio, social media. What is the museum's cost structure? Fixed vs variable costs. What is the museum's financial situation? Lots of existing debt may prevent the museum from making large new investments. Fourth, I would look at the competition. How many other museums are there in Boston? How are they performing compared with our customer? What strategy do the competition appear to be following, i.e. target customers, product offerings, pricing, marketing strategy. Is the competition doing anything clever which our client could emulate? While it is impossible to say what the museum should do given that this is a hypothetical with limited information, one alternative course of action, in addition to the one Ashley mentioned, would be to expand the product offering. Ashley suggests attracting new audiences, but the museum could also try to sell more to each existing customer. Additional products might include: audio guides, coffee, conference events held in the evenings, etc. I am interested to hear thoughts from other people ...
  5. View File Victor Cheng - Case Interview Core Frameworks This document was produced by Victor Cheng, founder of CaseInterview.com. It provides an excellent quick guide to the key frameworks that you will need for your case interview. Submitter Tom Spencer Submitted 01/10/2014 Category Case Interview Prep
  6. View File AT Kearney - Preparing for Your Case Interview Produced by A. T. Kearney, this summary is designed for people who are preparing for the case interview. The document contains the following information: 1. Why the case format? 2. What to expect 3. How to succeed during your case interview 4. Case Types 5. Final Thoughts Submitter Tom Spencer Submitted 01/10/2014 Category Case Interview Prep
  7. View File Accenture - Case Interview Workbook Produced by Accenture in 2006, this case interview workbook contains the following information: 1. What is the Case Interview? 2. The Case Interview Process 3. "Soft" Evaluation Criteria 4. Types of Case Interviews 5. Sample Frameworks and Applications 6. Practice Cases Submitter Tom Spencer Submitted 01/10/2014 Category Case Interview Prep
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