Creativity and innovation go hand in hand, but innovation also comes with exposure to risks and even potential failures. For example, when a business introduces a new product to the marketplace, they may be venturing into uncharted territory that may result in a hit or a flop. Innovation transcends product development. It also touches on […]
When you first start consulting, it can seem like a sort of corporate utopia: interesting work, a new client every few months, access to leaders of industry, great colleagues, endless career development and training, generous dinner budgets, extensive travel, nice hotels, international travel. But, the consulting world is the Partner’s oyster, not yours. It may […]
The rise of artificial intelligence has received widespread discussion in recent times and has been predicted to play a huge role in business and financial institutions in 2018. However, its impact is likely to go well beyond the business world with AI expected to play an important role in international relations and warfare. The rise […]