Blockchain / Crypto

BlockChain: Opportunities for the Consulting Industry

What is Blockchain? Blockchain is a decentralized network of computing units called nodes  that facilitate peer to peer transactions without the need for a third party or a larger centralized server to facilitate or validate those transactions. Currently, a trusted third party like a bank,lawyer or a government body is required to validate transactions, such […]

Skills, Tips, and Tactics

Managing impressions: how to get by doing less

Top-tier consulting firms are notorious for two or three-year up or out policies, and poor work-life balance. But by working smarter, doing ‘just enough’ is usually sufficient for promotion and can also improve your quality of life. Before getting into the tips, I remind you that your personal life is more important than being a […]


Case Interview Basics

What is a Case? Cases are a tool used by interviewers based on a business scenario; they go beyond behavioural and background questions to assess the actual abilities of a candidate by replicating the steps of a consulting project. They are a means of evaluating potential candidates when facing a real-life business challenge to determine whether […]