
Why Solitude Is Necessary for Self-Improvement

Never in history have we had so much instant communication with others, whether they’re in the same town or on the other side of the world. Our busy lives in large communities mean that our communication with friends and family is often through electronic devices rather than in person and face-to-face. And even when we […]

Blockchain / Crypto

Blockchain Entertainment

While the global banking behemoths rush in to the blockchain space, many industry verticals beyond banking are also exploring applications for this technology.  This starts with insurance but also extends to supply chain management and shipping. However, there is a new vertical that has almost overnight started using the technology, learning how to make money […]


How to create your own small business in your spare time

A regular job in the industry you love is a great place to start a career, but it can take years of making the tea, making connections, and accumulating experience before you find that your daily work is truly satisfying your needs. If you find yourself regularly putting in forty hours per week and still […]