
How to Succeed in the New Age of Interviews

The process of securing an internship at an investment bank is both a daunting and strenuous endeavour. Through research and experiences of my own, I have gathered insights into how to prepare for and succeed in the search for an internship. I began by considering what to do to get an initial foot in the […]

B-School / Consulting Clubs

Making The Most Out Of A Networking Event at University

If you are going to university, it is likely that you will attend a corporate networking event at some point. Whether you want to form connections with your dream employer, find out about a specific company or industry, or simply go because that’s what all of your friends seem to be doing, these events can […]

AI / Big Data

Facebook Censors Free Speech?

On Friday, 22 September at 11.25pm, I shared the article below on Facebook.  It attracted one like and a comment, to which I replied. I thought nothing further of it. The next day, I happened to glance at my Facebook page. The post had vanished! How strange. On closer enquiry, I found that the post still existed […]