Blockchain / Crypto

Blockchain as Monetized Infrastructure

For those struggling to understand blockchain, think of it this way. It will be the digital connection between people as well as between machines – starting with your cell phone. It will be used to tell your washing machine when to run. It will also be used to bill you for the electricity and water […]


Lest We Forget

This past week we saw violent protests in Charlottesville, USA. They deserve our attention. A rally called “Unite the Right” had formed to prevent a statue of Robert E. Lee from being torn down. Lee was a General during the American Civil War who fought for the Confederacy, a collection of southern states that supported […]


What a Business Financial Statement Can Tell You About the Health of Your Business

When you run your own small business, it can be difficult to keep an objective distance from what you do. Bills come in, sales go out, you have your day-to-day goals and you watch the curvy line of profit and loss make its inexorable progress throughout the financial year. You have your big one-year and […]