Career Advice

How To Deal With Rejection

If you have gone through the consulting interview process and are not offered a position with your target firm, then you should find out why. There are two reasons this is important. Firstly, getting specific feedback on your performance is the only way you can learn and improve. Secondly, you may discover that the firm has […]


The sky is falling

Back in September last year, the Wall Street Journal wrote an article about how low oil prices could lead to a global recession. An article by the Guardian last Friday repeated the sentiment with a suggestion that low oil prices could hurt the stock market. Look out, Chicken Little, the sky is falling! The doom and gloom argument appears […]

Career Advice

Negotiating An Offer Of Employment

If you have received an offer of employment from the consulting firm of your choice, you may still want to negotiate the terms of the offer. How should you go about doing this? Use your bargaining power Your ability to negotiate the terms of your offer depends on how much bargaining power you have. The consulting […]