Consulting Industry

Consulting Firms in India

ARE you an aspiring consultant looking to work India? Or perhaps you are just interested to know more about the leading consulting firms in South Asia? What ever the case may be, we have just produced, for your benefit, a guidebook which provides an overview of the most prominent consulting firms in India. The guidebook is free. No member sign […]


Two lessons we might learn from Christmas

For many of us, especially expectant young children, Christmas is a day of high expectations.  It can often fall short of the mark. Santa may have brought you an Xbox when you had desperately wanted a Playstation. Or perhaps you got a new Samsung tablet, when you were busting for the new iPad instead. It can be painful when reality falls dismally […]



Where do you place value? (Source: Flickr) ONE of our heroes, New York based consultant Alan Weiss, has a unique perspective on wealth. He regularly shares the view that “wealth is discretionary time”. The reason his approach to wealth is so striking is that most people, at least those of us living in Western market based economies, tend […]