
Loyalty Games

If you are there for them, they will be there for you WHEN it comes to marketing, you have a choice. Chase new customers, or care for the ones you already have. Buy a million dollar Superbowl ad, or do the hard work of creating remarkable products for the people who care. Pursue the glittering promise of untold wealth by […]


Let It Go

Holding a grudge is like drinking poison, and wishing your enemies would die. Let it go, keep moving, and retain your freedom. Or, as Oscar Wilde put it, “always forgive your enemies, nothing annoys them so much.”


Tourist or Adventurer

If you’re waiting for the bus, and missing it throws out your whole day, then you’re a tourist. Some people go through life this way. High school, university, respectable office job, marriage, house, children, death. A safe bus ride with a predictable number of stops. There is an alternative, but it won’t fit neatly on your itinerary. You […]