Education Strategy

Corporation Oxford, and the Case for Reinvention

The illusion of permanence, and the persistence of innovation (Source: Tom Spencer) IN a recent FT article, Chairman of Risk Capital Partners Luke Johnson made some interesting comments about his alma mater, Oxford University: Oxford University, my alma mater, is a classic case of a complacent establishment that is refusing to reinvent itself. It will consequently […]


Steve Ballmer’s 3 Tips for Start Ups

Ideas matter, stick with it, and figure out the right measure of success (Source: Youtube) STEVE Ballmer spoke today at Oxford’s Said Business School, the world’s leading business community creating ideas with global impact. A few hours later, he spoke at the Oxford Union, the world’s most prestigious debating society. We were fortunate to attend the […]


Facebook Marketing: Should You Use It?

Veritasium concludes that advertising your page on Facebook is a waste of money VERITASIUM is a popular educational science channel on YouTube, created by Derek Muller, which tries to uncover misconceptions about science. While not technically “science”, Veritasium has released an interesting and insightful video about the worth of Facebook marketing. In short, Facebook marketing appears to […]