Skills, Tips, and Tactics

3 More Reasons to Hire a Consultant

Consultants can provide genuine expertise, tested methodologies, and quality resources on a variable cost basis In the previous post, we highlighted 6 reasons why executives hire management consulting firms. On reflection, we may have implied that there are only 6 reasons when in reality there are many. Tim Jeffries, experienced Sydney based management consultant, sent […]

Skills, Tips, and Tactics

6 Reasons to Hire a Consultant

There are 6 reasons why executives hire consultants In America, and other Western countries, senior executives often hire management consultants for strategic advice. Given that consulting advice can sometimes sound like a statement of the obvious, albeit very well power-pointed, and tends to come with a shockingly high price tag, you would be forgiven for […]


Oxford Inspires 2014

For those of you planning to be in the UK in March, we would like to share with you details of an exciting event being hosted at Oxford’s Said Business School. Oxford Inspires is an entrepreneurial conference taking place on the 8th and 9th of March this year. The event is hosted by Oxford Entrepreneurs, the largest […]