
Management vs Leadership

Management requires smooth process, leadership requires clear vision Management is about running systems, processes, andĀ people. Leadership is about taking action, and inspiring others to do so. Having a vision, and the ability to influence and motivate others to sail towards it. Your team needs both. If you have no managers, then key details, tasks and […]

Consulting Industry

Thoughts on PwC’s Booz Purchase

The deal will almost certainly result in post-merger headachesĀ  As we learnt at the end of October last year, PwC and Booz & Co are planning to merge. PwC Chairman Dennis Nally and Booz CEO Cesare Mainardi were very upbeat about the proposed deal. Nally stating that the merger will strengthen the scope and quality […]

Skills, Tips, and Tactics

3 More Reasons to Hire a Consultant

Consultants can provide genuine expertise, tested methodologies, and quality resources on a variable cost basis In the previous post, we highlighted 6 reasons why executives hire management consulting firms. On reflection, we may have implied that there are only 6 reasons when in reality there are many. Tim Jeffries, experienced Sydney based management consultant, sent […]