
How to Get Lucky

You can create your own luck by expecting good fortune, having persistence, and embracing opportunities as they arise IF you are like most people you probably appreciate the role that luck plays in finding a romantic partner. People spend large amounts of time attending parties, going to bars, and participating in bizarre social and sporting […]


Implementing Real Change

Why coming up with the right answer to a business problem often isn’t enough in a large organisation – and what you can do about it “WHY won’t people in this organisation realise that this new approach could make things so much better? Why won’t people implement this idea? This is so frustrating…” Creating meaningful […]

Social Enterprise

Giving and Growing

Business can step up by reaching out, but it needs to adopt a new approach THE OLD MODEL of corporate giving involves the CEO championing a particular charity, and then writing a cheque. The old model is broken. Broken because it relies on the whim of the CEO, who could change her priorities at any […]