
Tim Minchin’s Nine Life Lessons

“It’s an incredibly exciting thing, this one meaningless life of yours” (Tim Minchin) “TIM Minchin is a genius, pure and simple. He is to musical comedy what Charles Darwin was to evolution” (Tim Arthur, CEO of TimeOut Magazine). We tend to agree. For those of you unfamiliar with Tim’s work, you can check out some […]


Product/Market Expansion Matrix

A framework to help executives, senior managers and marketers devise strategies for future growth 1. Background THE Ansoff Matrix (referred to by some commentators as the Product/Market Expansion Grid) was developed by a Russian-American mathematician named Igor Ansoff, and first explained in his 1957 Harvard Business Review article entitled Strategies for Diversification. 2. Benefits of […]


How to Thrive in Hard Times

Invest for the future, reduce your debts, and insure your income TODAY’S economy is vastly different compared with our parents’ generation, and even those of us in ‘stable’ jobs should be prepared for increasingly rapid technological change and a continued downturn. The competitive landscape can change at any time and in ways that you may […]