
What is an Idea Worth?

Applying Philosophy to Business (and vice-versa) This guest post is by a PhD student in philosophy from the Australian National University. DEATH AND TAXES, the adage goes, are life’s two certainties. One might add commerce and philosophy to this list, for the trade of goods and services and the trade of ideas also seem to […]


BASEL III for dummies

An explanation of Basel III for non-specialists BNP Paribas Fortis provides a short 10 minute animated presentation on Basel III. For normal people like you and I, this is a nice, accessible and informative summary of how the Basel III framework actually works.


Can we rely on LIBOR?

Society has lost its trust in the financial sector. Should we overhaul LIBOR? IN A RECENT article by Bloomberg Businessweek, assistant managing editor Brian Bremmer reports that investigators in America, Canada, Japan, the UK, and the EU are trying to determine whether a handful of brokers and traders have manipulated LIBOR. At this stage, it is […]