RECENT falls in the officially reported US unemployment rate are an optimistic sign. That said, it is worth remembering that the official US unemployment rate (currently around 9.1%) systematically understates the “real” unemployment rate. This is not a new phenomenon, and occurs because of the particular way in which the US Bureau of Labor Statistics chooses […]
Death to Pennies
Inflation erodes the value of real currency ECONOMISTS tend to favour a small positive rate of inflation, and there are 4 reasons why this makes sense: Labour market flexibility: inflation allows relative real wages to adjust even if nominal wages do not move. A company that tries to pay workers less money is likely to meet […]
The Fed is Europe’s new dealer
Europe may not go to rehab before it is too late THE US Federal Reserve took steps yesterday to make it easier for European banks to borrow and lend dollars. The Fed is now providing such cheap money to Europe that the European Central Bank can borrow from the Fed at lower interest rates than American banks. The […]