B-School / Consulting Clubs

The Value of Top Business Schools

THERE MAY be a business school bubble for other people, but not for you. Whether you are buying into a bubble depends on whether the cost of what you are buying significantly exceeds its intrinsic value. For most assets, you can find the intrinsic value by looking at the expected return – the more money […]

B-School / Consulting Clubs Consulting

Business School Bubble

THANKS to Wil for pointing us towards an interesting HBR article looking at The Business School Tuition Bubble. Is there a business school bubble?  Almost certainly, and you can view a scary graph of the higher education bubble here.


6 Steps to Blogging #WINNING

YOU may wonder whether you should blog.  Stop wondering. You’re either on the Internet or you’re with the trolls. Here are the steps: Search Digest Synthesise (hint: this is were all of the competitive advantage comes from) Polish Publish (hint: this is where all of the value comes from) Repeat #WINNING