Skills, Tips, and Tactics

The Rule of 70

WORLD GDP is growing at 4% per year, how long will it take for world GDP to double? Your company’s revenue is growing at 10% per month, how long will it take for your company’s revenue to double? There is a simple rule of thumb that you can use to figure out roughly how long […]


Target people’s forgotten needs

WE ALL know the old marketing adage, “sex sells”. The marketing approach is quite simple: link sex directly or indirectly with the product or service that you are selling. It may be a certain brand of cola that we end up buying, but it was sex that we were after. Sex is a base level […]


Pleasure is the goal of life

SEEMS fairly straight forward doesn’t it. The purpose of life is the pursuit of pleasure, and the quest for those objects and experiences that will make our life more enjoyable. As I recently discovered while reading “The Consolations of Philosophy” by Alain de Botton, this was exactly the philosophy held by Epicurus, an ancient Greek […]