
TEDx Emerald City

LAST night I attended my first independently organised TED event, TEDx EmeraldCity. The event was organised by the ever dynamic and always delightful Melissa O’Young. The name of the event sounds pretty random, and it is, but it is also quite clever. Since this was an Australian TED event the thinking was as follows: Australia – […]


Results: CFA Level 1 Exam 2009

THE CFA Level 1 Exam Results have just been released.  Following on from my slightly worried exam-day overview of the 2009 CFA Level 1 Exam, I thought you may be interested to know the result: Pass mark: 70% Pass rate: 46% Result: Pass!! Feeling: very relieved

Frameworks Strategy

Porter’s Six Steps of Strategic Positioning

There are six strategic principles which are relevant to any company that wants to be profitable online                 IN AN article entitled “Strategy and the Internet” published in the March 2001 edition of the Harvard Business Review, Michael Porter outlined six principles that he believes companies need to […]