
Economic recession 2008: measuring the strength of the economy

It’s the economy, stupid “IT’S THE economy, stupid” is a well known phrase that was widely used during Bill Clinton‘s 1992 presidential campaign against George Bush senior. The phrase was coined by Clinton campaign strategist James Carville and refers to the notion that Clinton was a better choice because Bush had not adequately addressed the […]


What is an asset? What does it mean to be wealthy?

What is an asset? THE question, “What is an asset?” seems like an absurdly simple question. But if you understand the answer to that simple question, and act on it, you have started down the path that leads to riches. Few people become rich, so clearly then, few people understand the answer to this question. […]


The consulting case interview: 10 tips for a successful performance

THIS is the first of a series of posts looking at the consulting case interview. Below, I provide ten insightful tips that will help you achieve success in your case interview. The information below is from my own thoughts and by reference to Vault Guide to the Case Interview. 1. Practice, practice, practice Preparation is […]