Human Resources

The Hidden Psychology of Workplace Wellbeing

One of the greatest by-products of the otherwise awful period of COVID-19 was a more universal workplace emphasis on well-being. Whilst some companies did have wellbeing on their corporate agendas before the pandemic, there was often no formal protocol to follow on how to safeguard or advocate employee wellbeing. As a result, attempts were often […]

Career Advice

Choosing Management Consulting as a Career

As a young professional, fresh out of university I was certain I knew which career path I wanted to take. I had done extensive research into the consulting industry and was a member of the consulting club at my university. I knew then without any doubt that consulting was the great career choice for me, […]

Skills, Tips, and Tactics

10 Strategies to Re-Energise Virtual Meetings

Although virtual meetings have become a norm of working life post COVID-19, there is much that still feels strange about them. Be it physiological difficulties caused by staring at a screen for hours at a time or psychological troubles resulting from the knowledge that your face is being projected onto other people’s screens, there is […]