One of the hardest challenges I have faced is communicating a product vision to others. Without a common vision, you can never truly lead a team. I overcame this challenge by leaning on a framework introduced to me by a mentor—a tool that has unlocked numerous hackathon finals. There’s no better way to spend your […]
Tag: entrepreneurship
Choosing a career path to dedicate years of your life to is never an easy decision, and this applies whether you are an undergraduate seeking a first job fresh out of university, or someone looking to make a career switch. After all, faced with the tantalising possibility of all the possible paths you could take, […]
The most common reasons people choose to pursue an MBA is for a career switch or as a steppingstone to a managerial role. MBA candidates have the opportunity to acquire a multitude of skills that are applicable to a variety of industry and managerial positions. One of the less pursued career paths is that of […]
The Paradox of Teams
The concept of a ‘team’ has been around since the 16th century, and so one would assume that the term is fairly well understood. Whilst teams are an inseparable part of modern business practice, this article seeks to explore why they are actually a conceptual paradox, and what this means for professionals. The Team-Individuality Paradox […]
Creativity and innovation go hand in hand, but innovation also comes with exposure to risks and even potential failures. For example, when a business introduces a new product to the marketplace, they may be venturing into uncharted territory that may result in a hit or a flop. Innovation transcends product development. It also touches on […]
How are you dealing with the 21st century? Those who’ve been in the work market for a couple of decades or more have witnessed a hastening evolution of how things are done and what you need to do just to get by – let alone to excel. Even millennials can find themselves somewhat adrift when […]
I am a bit of a late bloomer in some ways – certainly academically. At the age of 48, I decided, after a life spent in business of all kinds, to go back to school, obtain my EMBA, and focus on an entrepreneurial career. It’s not really that delaying my master’s was a choice. When […]
It is very common these days for businesses of all shapes and sizes to use serviced offices. For smaller companies and startups, however, they are particularly valuable. If a young business wants to get off the ground fast, they can do so by paying a fixed rate fee to rent a fully equipped workspace. It […]
Creation vs Appropriation
(Source: Flickr) What do the painter, the author and the tech entrepreneur all have in common? They are all in the business of creation; producing new works for the benefit of their target audience. And what about the professional gambler or the Wall Street prop trader? They are both in the business of appropriation; placing calculated […]
(Source: Flickr) This is the tenth instalment of my conversation with Nigel Lake, CEO of Pottinger, a global corporate advisory firm based in Sydney, Australia. Nigel is the author of The Long Term Starts Tomorrow, a must have book “for any manager, leader or Minister.” The Hon Mike Baird MP, Premier of NSW Tom: There has been […]
The hard part about pursuing a new idea is not the idea itself. There are thousands of good ideas shared every day online for free. Nor is it the risk of financial failure since it is easier than ever to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start again. The real risk that the trail blazers face is a […]
“We’ve put charities in a box for far too long, let’s set them free.” ~ Nat Ware, CEO of 180 Degrees Consulting IN an informative and timely TED Talk, Nat Ware explains how society’s traditional notions of ‘charity’ often constrain the ability of charities to have a meaningful social impact. Below we highlight three beliefs about […]